WWE Hall Of Famer Diamond Dallas Page recently stopped by Joe Rogan’s podcast to speak from the heart for a discussion that lasted well over 2 hours. You can check out the latest Joe Rogan Experience here where DDP shot on a few aspects of the pro wrestling business some people might like to forget.
Page talked about wrestling injuries and used Daniel Bryan’s return as an example of how we are still learning about how our brain works and recovers from injuries. They discussed some of the crazy risks wrestlers take in the ring and watched Brock Lesnar’s legendary botched WrestleMania moonsault a couple of times while wondering how he was able to get up from that.
DDP said the only sport that can compare to pro wrestling when it comes to the risk of injury is bull riding. Then he spoke about the crazy shots people take in other sports as well.
You can check out the entire portion of the conversation about sports and wrestling injuries below, it’s about 8 minutes, but it’s a pretty cool conversation.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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