It’s hard to imagine that Seth Rollins would miss the go-home show to SummerSlam as he builds towards his match against Dolph Ziggler but The Architect is in China.

3 days ago Rollins posted a picture from China and he posted another picture of Shanghai earlier today. It’s not off the table that he could hop a flight back at this point. After all, WWE has a private jet and they know how to use it. But if Rollins is in the building for the go-home Raw to SummerSlam, then he will be right off a long flight from China.

This is one of the drawbacks of being a WWE Superstar because all that travel can wear and tear at anyone’s body, even Crossfit Jesus. But when Rollins was needed in China, he didn’t hesitate to do what was needed of him.

While they could always write his absence into the storyline, it might be tough for Rollins to make the trip if he hasn’t started it already.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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