WWE’s Saudi Arabia deal is a massive undertaking and an even bigger profit for the company. There was a special “other” category in profits that was around $50 million more than it was last year giving us a clue about how much money they might be making.

Since the deal with Saudi Arabia is supposed to have a special secret deal where you can’t know the exact number, Brad Shepard discussed how much WWE is really expected to make during Barn Burner’s Fired Up podcast.

“The total amount, the possible actual money it sounds like WWE could make would be in the ballpark of $500 million with the Saudi Arabia government.”

This is a huge number and when you consider a possible $50 million a quarter for 5 years it adds up. It’s not a bad deal for WWE because they have to put on one show overseas and deal with the fact they’re being used as a propaganda tool.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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