Matt Riddle is on his way to WWE by the looks of things. He has been pulling out of dates and seems to be clearing his schedule for around SummerSlam.

Riddle also seems to have taken down his online store. We previously reported that Riddle is no longer selling merch on his own which is another big sign of any talent coming to WWE. But it looks like we’ve received a response.

Matt Riddle’s wife Lisa responded to our question about Riddle’s online store issues and saying, “We have had problems with them for over a year. We told them we would take care of everything from here on out.” It wasn’t clear who “them” is, but whether is be their merch supplier, online store operator, or their website server it seems to distance Riddle from WWE.

Dave Meltzer commented on Riddle taking down his online store by simply saying, “yes” when one fan asked him if it was a sign of Riddle’s eventual WWE debut.


Only time will tell at this point, but Matt Riddle’s wife is currently saying the right things to say in their situation.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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