Liv Morgan seems like she has an endless amount of energy, but even she needs to sleep and recharge her batteries. Morgan recently suffered an unfortunate event that kept her up all night. This isn’t good timing either because tonight is Raw and Stephanie McMahon has a big announcement in store.

But it looks like Morgan couldn’t sleep because she had an itchy toe. She had a mosquito bite and it caused her a restless night. This might not seem like a big deal but Liv is probably the kind of girl who needs her sleep.

Hopefully, she’ll be able to caffeinate herself and make it through the day. Or maybe she can get some kind of nap in before the show starts tonight.

So along with blue Laffy Taffy to color her tongue, fans can start giving her anti-itch cream so this never happen again and she always has a pleasant night’s sleep.


H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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