Tyler Breeze and Fandango were over as a team but they weren’t getting wins on television. It didn’t help to be on TV every week on some parody detective show when they weren’t getting over in the ring.

Dango is injured now and even though his surgery was a success, it will still be a long recovery. Breeze is without a partner now so who knows when we’ll see him again?

One fan recently commented to Breeze saying: “Hey Tyler, ready for six months of getting your ass kicked as a jobber till Fandango gets healed up? lol” That wasn’t a nice thing to say at all.

Tyler responded asking if that wasn’t the past 3 years for him instead? Obviously Prince Pretty would have rather been winning than performing a skit in some pretaped segment.


H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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