WWE loves bringing in people who are famous elsewhere because of the mainstream exposure. When the ladies of Netflix’s GLOW showed up on Monday night, some people really paid attention. Of course, some other people could have also been getting their hopes up as well.

One caller asked Bryan Alvarez during Wrestling Observer Live if the cast of GLOW showing up on Raw this week was a possible sign of a match down the line. He received a pretty certain response in return but you also can never really tell in WWE.

“No, it’s not happening. They’re not wrestlers dude they’re actors. They have a little bit of training but they’re not going to go out there and do a… I suppose anything’s possible. I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

“The idea of hiding somebody in a match means you actually have good wrestlers in there. Every single person in the 7 people — they’re all actors and nobody’s hidden, they’re all exposed.”

So if you got excited when the ladies from Netflix’s GLOW showed up on Raw it looks like this is going to just be a one-off appearance, but you still never know in WWE. Although Alvarez might be forgetting the fact that Awesome Kong is also on the GLOW cast and she is very much a trained pro wrestler.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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