Nick and Matt Jackson have made an incredible living for themselves labeling as many pieces of merch as they can with the Young Bucks logo. But with a name with “young” in the title you have to wonder if they’ll ever change their names.

After all, many rappers start out their careers with “lil” in front of their name only to drop the prefix once they get a little older. But it looks like The Young Bucks won’t fall into that category because they’re not rappers, after all.

One fan asked Nick Jackson, “what would you call yourself when you’re 35 years old and you’re not young anymore?”

It didn’t take Jackson much time to come up with a response. After all, it’s not how young you are but how young you feel at heart and if the word “young” is in your name then you’re liable to stay youthful for a very long time to come.


Tags: Young Bucks
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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