Vader tried to get WWE to induct him into the WWE Hall Of Fame when his heart issues were made known to him. But for some reason, it never happened.

Brian Alvarez commented on Vader’s eventual WWE Hall Of Fame induction during Wrestling Observer Live where he remarked about how awful it is that he never got his time during the ceremony. But he went on to pretty much guarantee that Vader will be a part of next year’s class.

“He wanted to be in the WWE Hall Of Fame so I’m not going to do the usual thing about how it’s not a real hall of fame. The guy wanted to be in there and it sucks he didn’t get to be in there.”

“I would say, I would virtually do a Vince McMahon guarantee that Vader’s going into the WWE Hall Of Fame next year. In fact I bet money on it that he’s going in.”

It might be a little late for Vader at this point, but it will still be great to see him. However, it was also noted that WWE dragging their feet on Vader’s HOF induction could have already rubbed enough people the wrong way.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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