Ever since Daniel Bryan made his in-ring return fans have wanted to see him punch The Miz in the face. It hasn’t happened yet on television because Bryan has been preoccupied with Big Cass.

Daniel Bryan’s match against Big Cass is coming up at Money In The Bank and they discussed this on Backstage In WWE when Brad Shepard went into some detail about how a match between The Miz and Daniel Bryan could very well be in the pipeline eventually.

“I don’t know if it’s going to be for the belt but that does seem to be the feud they’re building toward for the SummerSlam timeframe.”

Although Daniel Bryan losing to Big Cass at Money In The Bank might not make much sense to some fans, it looks like if 50/50 booking is any clue of things that’s what is going to happen.

But it could all work out in the end if Daniel Bryan has The Miz and SummerSlam to look forward to. After all, they’ve been working on this rivalry for a very long time even before Daniel Bryan was cleared for a return.


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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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