Daniel Bryan’s in-ring return meant a lot of things were possible. Fans instantly started discussing The Miz vs Daniel Bryan finally becoming a reality to finish up the feud started on Talking Smack so long ago.

But when The Miz spoke to SI recently it didn’t sound like he was up to take on Daniel Bryan at this point because he doesn’t feel like Bryan deserves it.

“Daniel Bryan could have quit and went and did all his indies and did all the bingo hall things, but he wanted to fight for his dreams. But that day, he didn’t fight for his dreams. He walked away like the coward he was calling me.”

“Now you fast forward and everybody wants to see Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz, but the fact is Daniel Bryan isn’t at the caliber I am at. I am sick of people sitting there saying, ‘Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz.’ He doesn’t deserve to be in the ring with me.”

“He’s not at the level that I am. I am showcasing top-level talent, and maybe in a year or maybe in two years, he’ll be at that level. But right now, he’s not at that level. He’s just going on the fame he had four years ago. Things changed. So when Daniel Bryan is ready, and I feel that he is ready, that’s when the match will happen. Until then, he’s not ready for me.”

It looks like The Miz might have been working a little bit during this interview but it still really makes you wonder how long it will take before Daniel Bryan and The Miz’s eventual throwdown.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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