It looks like Kevin Owens is going to be sticking around WWE for a lot longer at this point because KO just signed a pretty nice contract extension for WWE.

Owens recently spoke to TVA Sports where he went into detail about his new WWE deal.

“I do not see why I will not finish my career with WWE. I just recently signed a new five-year contract with them. I do not intend to go anywhere (when) my contract will end. If the WWE wants to continue, if I want to continue and my family is ready for me to continue, I do not see why it would not happen.”

Although 5 years isn’t a lot of time if you put it into the perspective of much far WWE can change in that period it makes you look at it a bit differently. Apparently, KO is a part of WWE’s longterm plan so how would you book him for the next five years?

Tags: Kevin Owens
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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