The Greatest Royal Rumble is over with and a lot of people were surprised to see a sumo wrestler they’ve never heard of in the big 50-man match.

Dave Meltzer opened up on Wrestling Observer Radio about why he thinks WWE made the call to bring in Hiroko Sumi.

“So the Prince who wanted the show when he was talking to Vince McMahon or whoever it was when they were making the deal he said the guys he wanted on the show — he listed a bunch of names but among the key names he wanted were Ultimate Warrior, Undertaker, and Yokozuna. So that’s probably why they got the sumo guy.”

Unfortunately, Ultimate Warrior or Yokozuna couldn’t make the trip because they’re no longer with us. This might further illustrate their knowledge of WWE’s actual product. The thinking is that since WWE couldn’t bring Yokozuna then Vince McMahon booked another sumo wrestler because that’s what he thought the Prince wanted to see.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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