The Greatest Royal Rumble took over the King Abdullah Sports City’s King Abdullah International Stadium in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. All controversy aside, this was a stacked card with plenty of possibilities.

With seven championship matches on the card, there are likely going to be some title changes. We will at least crown new Raw Tag Team Champions because The Bar is battling Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt for the vacant titles.

The actual Greatest Royal Rumble Match was the largest ever booked by WWE and even though there were no women allowed to attend the event it was still a massive show.

What promises to be the start of a decade-long deal between WWE and the Saudi Arabian government, The Greatest Royal Rumble brought a lot to the table. Now let’s see exactly what it delivered.


Triple H vs John Cena

Interesting notes about the entrances, tons of fireworks, Triple H left the ring to greet children at ringside during Cena’s entrance. Cena ran to the ring while the ramp was lined with children wearing his merch and then there were even more fireworks.

Triple H and Cena played around a little bit at the beginning of a test of strength bit but then Triple H took over. He kept beating Cena around the ring and did the “you can’t see me” hand sign a couple times.

Cena took a bump into both turnbuckles and they took their time and John could show signs that he was going to come back but Triple H loves a good headlock to slow things back down.

Cena mounted a comeback and then he went for a top rope move but Triple H botched his counter and it looked really bad as the announce team tried to call it a spinebuster when it wasn’t even close.

Then Cena locked on the STF but Triple H got out and Cena finally hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and an AA but Triple H kicked out at two.

Triple H countered another AA and hit a Pedigree for a two count. Then Triple H tried for another Pedigree but Cena countered out into a pin for a two count and then he locked on the STF.

Cena muscled Triple H up into an AA, then he launched Triple H into the turnbuckle and hit another one for the win.

Winner: John Cena

Cedric Alexander vs Kalisto – Cruiserweight Title 

These guys started fast and were working to keep this crowd going after Cena vs Triple H really popped them.

They traded some fast offense and counters to start off and Kalisto hit a dive, then Cedric came back and hit a dive of his own.

Cedric landed a dropkick to the skull of Kalisto and then slowed things down a little with a headlock. Then Kalisto came back with some offense for a near fall.

Kalisto caught Cedric on the top rope but Alexander blocked a hurricanrana and Kalisto turned it into a top rope Spanish Fly for a near fall.

Then they each countered each other finishers and Cedric Alexander hit the Lumbar Check for the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt vs The Bar – Raw Tag Team Titles

Matt started out the match with Ceasro but Bray got the tag and took some damage. Then Matt and Bray came back for a bit but Matt would soon start selling The Bar’s attack while they cut the ring in half.

Bray got the tag and mixed things up for a bit until Matt got the tag. Sheamus blocked a Twist Of Fate and Cesaro hit a cheap shot on him. Then Matt Hardy sold for a little bit more.

But Bray Wyatt would eventually get the tag allowing Matt to hit a Side Effect into a Sister Abigail. Then Matt got the tag and hit an elevated Twist Of Fate with Bray’s help for the win.

New Raw Tag Team Champions: Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt

Jeff Hardy vs Jinder Mahal – US Title 

Hardy started it off strong and even hit a dive off the barricade on the outside but Sunil Singh grabbed his foot when they were getting back in the ring and Mahal took advantage to keep the pressure on Hardy.

Hardy and Mahal traded advantage for a bit and then Hardy went for a Twist Of Fate but missed completely even though Jinder Mahal acted like it hit him.

Hardy hit the mule kick and leaped up to take his shirt off and throw it at the Singh Brother but Mahal grabbed him and went for a Khallas which was blocked.

Then Hardy hit a Twist of Fate and a Swanton Bomb for the win.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Bludgeon Brothers vs Usos – SmackDown Tag Team Titles

The Bludgeon Brothers muscled over Jey Uso and used frequent tags to keep him down.

Jey took a bunch of damage until he tagged in Jimmy who hit dives on both Bludgeon Brothers on opposite sides of the ring.

It looked like the Usos might have a chance as Jimmy eventually hit a top rope splash but they couldn’t get the pin.

Then Rowan laid Jey out on the outside with a spin kick and destroyed Jimmy on the outside before tossing him back in. After that, Harper and Rowan hit their slinging splash to the corner and a double team powerbomb for the win.

Winners: The Bludgeon Brothers

Seth Rollins vs The Miz vs Finn Balor vs Samoa Joe – IC Title Ladder Match

This match was a bit of a spot fest and that’s expected in this kind of match. Samoa Joe was brutal with everything he did and implemented some unique damage until The Miz turned it on and started running through his own highlight reel of moves.

The Miz took everyone out with a ladder including Seth Rollins who took a bump off the apron onto the announce table.

Then Finn Balor and Samoa Joe started fighting for the title. Finn would climb up and Joe would grab him and pull him down but Finn countered a move and started climbing again. It went like this until Finn was inches away from getting the title and then suddenly, Seth Rollins jumped up to the top rope and sprung over to the top of the ladder on the other side of Balor to snatch the title.

Winner: Seth Rollins

AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura

These two had a pretty good match with plenty of back and forth action.

They teased finishers throughout but had counters for counters. AJ got on the Calf Crusher at one point as he countered a Kinshasa but Nakamura made it to the ropes.

Then there was a point where AJ Styles went for the Phenonomal Forearm but Shinsuke ducked and AJ almost hit the referee.

As the referee was worried about AJ hitting him, Nakamura hit another low blow and almost got the pinfall.

Soon the two were fighting on the top of the ring and rolling over the announce table. As the referee kept counting, AJ threw Shinsuke into the barricade and the referee called for the bell ruling this WWE Championship match a double count out.

Winner: Double Count Out

The Undertaker vs Rusev – Casket Match

Rusev didn’t want to fight Taker at first and they wasted some time with him rolling out of the ring. Then The Undertaker chased him outside and they started the fight on the outside.

But once they rolled back in the ring, Rusev took control. He actually made The Undertaker sell a lot more tonight than he did at Mania.

But The Undertaker came back and hit all of his standards like Old School and the legdrop on the apron. Then Rusev started to come back and he locked on the Accolade but as he called for the casket lid to be raised, The Undertaker sat up.

Taker tried to get Rusev in the Casket but Aiden English distracted him giving Rusev a chance to escape. But after reversing a chokeslam, Rusev got caught and rolled into the casket. Soon Aiden English jumped in the ring and he ate a chokeslam and a Tombstone.

Then The Undertaker rolled Aiden into the casket and closed the casket on Rusev Day.

Winner: The Undertaker

Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns – Universal Title Cage Match

Brock started the match out by hitting three German Suplexes and Roman kept fighting on after an F5.

Brock tried to land another F5 but Roman grabbed the cage and started to climb the cage. Brock grabbed him and pulled him down so he started climbing himself. The Roman hit a powerbomb from the top rope.

Roman Reigns started hitting spear after spear after spear and called for the door to be opened on the cage but as he was leaving Heyman smashed his head in the door so Lesnar hit an F5. Paul Heyman also tossed a chair in the ring while the door was opened.

Then Roman fought back and hit Lesnar with the chair a few times. Roman nailed a Superman Punch and then hit another spear which sent him and Lesnar through the cage crashing to the floor.

Brock Lesnar was ruled the winner because his feet supposedly hit the floor first.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

The Greatest Royal Rumble Match

This match was full of action and since it was an hour and a half long it’s not going to be possible to include every detail or even mention everyone.

So let’s just go to the end of the big match. Daniel Bryan started things off and ended up lasting forever.

When Chris Jericho came in at #50 he went right for Kevin Owens and eliminated Shelton Benjamin. Then he locked a Walls Of Jericho on Kevin but Big Cass nailed a big boot to the side of Y2J’s head.

Bobby Lashley picked up Big Cass but they couldn’t pull off his vertical suplex so that was another botched move.

Then Daniel Bryan a few Yes Kicks and Shane McMahon jumped on the top rope but Braun Strowman grabbed him and put him through the announce table in another sick Shane McMahon spot.

After that, Braun took Lashley, Owens, and Jericho out of the match leaving just himself Big Cass, and Daniel Bryan.

Bryan almost had Braun out of the match but Big Cass ruined that and dumped Daniel out to the floor. But Daniel Bryan broke the record of longest Royal Rumble entry every at one hour sixteen minutes and five seconds.

Then Braun Strowman crotched Big Cass on the top rope and kicked him out of the ring to win the match.

Afterward, Braun received a big trophy and a green title belt.



Entry Order:

  1. Daniel Bryan
  2. Dolph Ziggler
  3. Sin Cara
  4. Curtis Axel
  5. Mark Henry
  6. Mike Kanellis
  7. Hiroki Sumi
  8. Viktor
  9. Kofi Kingston
  10. Tony Nese
  11. Dash Wilder
  12. Hornswoggle
  13. Primo
  14. Xavier Woods
  15. Bo Dallas
  16. Kurt Angle
  17. Scott Dawson
  18. Goldust
  19. Konnor
  20. Elias
  21. Luke Gallows
  22. Rhyno
  23. Drew Gulak
  24. Tucker Knight
  25. Bobby Roode
  26. Fandango
  27. Chad Gable
  28. Rey Mysterio
  29. Mojo Rawley
  30. Tyler Breeze
  31. Big E
  32. Karl Anderson
  33. Apollo Crews
  34. Roderick Strong
  35. Randy Orton
  36. Heath Slater
  37. Babatunde
  38. Baron Corbin
  39. Titus O’Neal
  40. Dan Matha
  41. Braun Strowman
  42. Tye Dillinger
  43. Curt Hawkins
  44. Bobby Lashley
  45. The Great Khali
  46. Kevin Owens
  47. Shane McMahon
  48. Shelton Benjamin
  49. Big Cass
  50. Chris Jericho
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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