The Rock recently really put Ricochet over and called him a future champion. This kind of accolade reached the Internet Wrestling Community and plenty of people were happy to see Dwayne Johnson recognize Ricochet’s potential.

No Way Jose might be a Raw Superstar at this point but he was still at the WWE Performance Center today where he had a chance to take a quick video of Ricochet where he pointed out that he happened to be wearing a Rock shirt

Ricochet no-sold No Way Jose’s comment but you could tell it made him feel great. Later on, Brian Cage made a comment to Ricochet how Shawn Michaels and The Rock had both praised The One And Only in such a short time and Ricochet had a very short yet effective reply.


Tags: The Rock
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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