In a surprising turn of events, Rusev and The Undertaker’s Casket Match at the Greatest Royal Rumble was switched up and Chris Jericho was put in the place of Rusev. But now it looks like that original match is back on.

Lana sent out a tweet at WWE’s request no doubt saying: “After much thought, I have notified @WWE officials that I have changed my mind. @RusevBUL will celebrate #RusevDay by burying The Undertaker in the sands of Saudi Arabi and will win the Casket Match at #WWEGRR ! #RusevCrush ! Have a Happy Rusev Day!”

There is no real reason given for this move other than the fact that they have finally received Lana’s endorsement. But it looks like Chris Jericho is not going to be competing in this gimmick match even though he is still the King Of The Casket Match.


H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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