It’s Rusev Day every day no matter where you are and it seems the Lion Of Bulgaria might want to take his act elsewhere. There have been some rumors popping up on Wrestling Twitter saying Rusev wants his WWE release. It might be coming at a strange time because Rusev Day is such a hot commodity but he still can’t seem to pull down a win so it might also be understandable in a way.

It’s hard to see how Rusev can really complain because not only is he married to Lana but he lives a great life and a high paying job that can provide him with all the toys he wants like cars and watches. He might not be booked to win the big matches but he’s getting big matches and his recent addition to the Greatest Royal Rumble where he will face The Undertaker in what could be his final Casket Match should be proof that at least he’s being used.

Therefore, when the rumor about Rusev wanting to take his ball and go home was brought up on Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer said he hadn’t checked on it yet so he doesn’t know for sure but he can’t imagine that is the case.

“I’ve heard the stories, I doubt it. I mean where’s he going to go? And they’re not really good — I don’t know what the timing of his contract is, but if his contract is running out in like a month or so then yeah I suppose he could do it but if his contract isn’t running out he can ask for his release all he wants it’s not going to do him much good because they’re not going to let him go anywhere.”

It’s important to remember that no matter what happens, WWE owns the name Alexander Rusev and Rusev and Rusv Day and probably the word Bulgaria at this point so unless he wants to see if “Happy Miroslav Barnyashev Day” catches on, Rusev might need to come up with a catchy name for the indies if he decides to leave WWE.


But as it was pointed out there’s a very slim chance WWE would ever let go of such a big moneymaker at this point no matter how much he wants to leave if that is indeed the case at all.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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