The Raw brand saw the addition of Ember Moon, No Way Jose, and Authors Of Pain on the Raw after WrestleMania. Those people will inject a nice solid amount of talent into the roster. But as it turns out the Superstar Shake-Up might do a lot of shuffling as well.

But as Dave Meltzer noted on Wrestling Observer Radio WWE is trying to not make their choices in the Superstar Shake-Up as obvious this time around.

“Usually there are guys who will be drafted are guys who are kind of put in a certain position either they don’t look good on the show because the idea is that all is forgotten when they go over to the other side.

So does that mean that The Miz and Miztourage who just got humiliated on the show, Alexa Bliss got pinned by Ember Moon. Gallows and Anderson I’m just throwing some names out there that all of them perhaps all of them are people we could look at to make be going over to the other side.”

It’s a good idea to pay attention to who WWE is humiliating because that person could be moving on to greener pastures soon enough. After all, the old pro wrestling tradition of going out looking at the lights rings true no matter if it’s the entire company or just a brand to brand kind of movement.

If you use the quotes in this article credit Ringside News for the transcription

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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