Block 1:

Taz opens today’s show speaking about last night’s episode of Monday Night RAW.

Taz was dissapointed to see Stephanie McMahon and Triple H open RAW last night, as he feels we’re seeing too much of the Authority again lately. He does admit that WWE did a couple cool things here by bringing out Braun Strowman and Kurt Angle to get into Triple H’s face. Taz was particularly happy to see this aggressive side to Kurt Angle for the first time since his return.

While Strowman and Angle received huge pops, Jason Jordan’s music was greeted with silence and then boos. Taz still has no idea what WWE is planning for Jordan because they missed their spot to turn him heel at Survivor Series, where he could have cost Team RAW the match. He has transitioned into a whiny, bitchy babyface now and that’ll never work.


Taz liked the first match of the night between Samoa Joe and Finn Balor. He points out that Joe has a big, burly physique which matched well with Finn Balor’s smaller, more agile style. He thinks they have great chemistry, but he believes Joe has even better chemistry with Nakamura.

Block 2:

Taz was a big fan of the Miz TV segment between The Miz and The Shield. He thought Roman Reigns came off great in this promo, as it had a lot more realism in it than most of his promos. When the crowd started chanting ‘Miz is Awesome’, all three members of The Shield started laughing at Reigns acknowledged it on the mic. Taz thought this was great, and he loved that The Miz never broke character once during any of this.

Paige returned to RAW last night and received a huge pop from the live audience. When she said, “I didn’t come alone”, Taz gasped because he thought that Alberto Del Rio had returned with her. He doesn’t know if there’s any former connection between Paige, Deville, and Rose, but he likes the group and he thought the backstage segment with Alexa Bliss was “money”.

He points out that RAW’s Women’s division has become quick crowded as of late, with the debut of this new group and Asuka’s recent call up from NXT. He thinks that Asuka needs to be the focal point of RAW’s women’s division, but he’s not sure if that’ll be possible with Paige’s return and her subsequent attack on Bliss, the Champion.

Blocks 3 & 4:

He also adds that someone like Bayley needs to be very careful not to get lost in the shuffle now, with all these new additions to the RAW roster. He thinks that someone like Sasha Banks will be fine, but there are a number of women who should be very concerned about their place on the totem pole moving forward.

Roman Reigns and The Miz faced off in the main event of the evening for the Intercontinental Title. He thought they had a good match, but he doesn’t like the idea of Reigns as the Intercontinental Champion. He doesn’t think Reigns needs that Title, and it almost looks weird seeing it on his shoulder. The Miz really takes pride in holding the Intercontinental Title, and he’s done a great job building that belt over the last several months.

Taz believes that Title should have stayed around the waist of The Miz, but if WWE was dead set on a Title change, they should have put someone like Samoa Joe in that spot. He believes Joe could really benefit from holding that Title right now, but it doesn’t really do anything for Reigns at all.

That sums up today’s episode of The Taz Show. You can listen to the show yourself anytime here, and I’ll catch ya tomorrow for another recap!

Tags: The Miz
Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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