Rey Mysterio’s status as a seasoned veteran in the world of professional wrestling is undeniable as his influence in the industry is still going strong. The WWE veteran has revealed he worked behind-the-scenes to get Carlito drafted to WWE Raw alongside the LWO.

This revelation comes amid rising tensions between Mysterio and Carlito, following the latter’s betrayal of Dragon Lee, member of the LWO. Carlito later shed light on his betrayal explaining that he felt overlooked for WrestleMania 40 by Mysterio and the LWO.

In a WWE Digital Exclusive video, Mysterio expressed deep disappointment in Carlito’s betrayal, highlighting the trust placed in him by the entire LWO. Despite their shared history and opportunities early in their careers, Carlito’s actions have led to a fracture within the group.

“Sure, Cathy, the thing that hurts the most about this, is that we trusted Carlito. Not just me, all of LWO did. And he betrayed us. He attacked Dragon Lee. Dragon Lee is one of the homies and he earned his opportunity at WrestleMania. Same way Carlito and I earned opportunities early in our careers. But he must have forgotten about that.”


However, Mysterio hinted at seeking retribution for Carlito’s actions, indicating that he had pulled strings behind the scenes to ensure Carlito’s draft to Raw. With tensions running high and the betrayal still fresh, Mysterio called out Carlito, urging him to face the consequences of his actions in the ring.

 “Cathy, I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. I did some work behind the scenes and pulled a couple strings to make sure that Carlito got drafted to Raw with the LWO. It’s time for Carlito to pay for what he did to us. Carlito, it’s time for you to man up and face me in the ring.”

It appears that a showdown between Mysterio and Carlito is imminent as tensions continue to escalate within the WWE landscape. We will have to wait and see if the internal civil war between the LWO members is put to rest on the red brand.

What do you think of this internal feud within the LWO members? Let us know in the comments!

Shubham Banerjee

Shubham Banerjee is a computer science student and news correspondent. His love for technology, gadgets, and coding led him to pursue this field. Outside of academics, he enjoys photography, exploring music, and following football, although Barcelona's European performance always disappoints him.

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