It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! AEW Collision will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the May 11, 2024 episode.

AEW Collision will start this week at 8:00 PM EST and as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Collision Lineup (5/11/2024):

  • Cope Open Challenge TNT Championship Match: “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland (c) vs. Kyle O’Reilly
  • Singles Match: FTR’s Dax Harwood vs. “Dynamite Kid” Tommy Billington
  • Tag Team Match: Blackpool Combat Club (“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin and Darius Martin)
  • Singles Match (AEW International Champion Roderick Strong on commentary): Shane Taylor Promotions’ Lee Moriarty vs. “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay
  • Brian Cage and Gates Of Agony (Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun) in action
  • Singles Match: “La Mera Mera” Thunder Rosa vs. Robyn Renegade

AEW Collision Results (5/11/2024):

The show opens up with Blackpool Combat Club (“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli) making their way down to the ring for the first match of the night as Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness welcome us. Top Flight (Dante Martin and Darius Martin) then make their way down to the ring next.

Tag Team Match: Blackpool Combat Club (“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin and Darius Martin)

The match starts off with Darius Martin and Bryan Danielson exchanging holds leading to a standoff. Both men go at it again and Darius puts Bryan in a side headlock. Danielson counters out of it, but Darius hits Danielson with a hip toss and follows it up with an armbar. Danielson escapes, but is hits with a backslide by Darius for a near fall. Darius then tags Dante in and the brothers double team Danielson before Dante goes for a wristlock, but Danielson counters out of it and sends Dante to the corner. Danielson then tags Castagnoli in. Castagnoli then hits Dante with a European uppercut before sending Dante to the ropes. Dante then tags Darius in and Darius hits Claudio with an assisted vertical suplex for a near fall. Claudio then hangs Darius up on the rope, then tags Danielson in. Danielson then hits Darius with a double stomp. Danielson then puts Darius in a bow and arrow and Castagnoli tags himself back in. Castagnoli then hits Darius with a basement uppercut and goes for the pin, but Darius kicks out. Castagnoli then goes after the arm of Darius, then sends Darius to the turnbuckle and out of the ring.


Danielson then hits Darius with some kicks, but Darius makes it back to his feet and both men trade shots until Danielson sends Darius to the corner for more kicks. Danielson then sends Darius across the ring to the opposite turnbuckle, but Darius escapes and tags Dante in. Castagnoli is tagged in as well, but get hit with a series of forearms by Dante. Dante then hits Castagnoli with a cross body for a near fall and hits a dive on Danielson on the outside. Castagnoli gets back on his feet, but Dante hits him with a frog splash from the top and goes for the pin, but Castagnoli kicks out. Castagnoli then goes for the giant swing, but puts Dante in the Sharpshooter. Dante tries to get the ropes before Claudio pulls him back toward the middle and Darius rushes in to break up the hold. All four men are now in the ring going at it and Danielson is set to the outside. Darius then hits a dive on Danielson and takes him out. Dante then hits a springboard moonsault on Castagnoli and goes for the pin, but Castagnoli kicks out. Top Flight then goes for a double team, but Danielson hits Dante with a Busaiku knee and sends him out of the ring. Castagnoli then hits his finisher on Darius for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, Blackpool Combat Club!

After the match, Danielson grabs the mic and gives kudos to Top Flight. Danielson says that the first Anarchy in the Arena Match almost ended his career, but he would fight in it again because he loves AEW. Danielson then says The Elite started AEW but doesn’t represent what AEW stands for anymore. Danielson then says The Young Bucks wanted to run the company like Tony Khan did, but they weren’t even here like Tony Khan would be. Danielson then says he loves AEW and he will do anything to protect it.

We then get a recap of The Embassy turning on Swerve Strickland this past Wednesday on Dynamite, seemingly at the behest of Christian Cage. We then get a rundown of what’s to come tonight.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match (AEW International Champion Roderick Strong on commentary): Shane Taylor Promotions’ Lee Moriarty vs. “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay

The match starts off with Ospreay taking Moriarty to the mat and then to the ropes. Both men then exchange holds. Ospreay then delivers more offense on Moriarty. Both men then exchange more holds and submissions. Moriarty then rolls out of the ring and Ospreay hits him with a crossbody on the outside. Ospreay then puts Moriarty on the top rope, but Moriarty pulls Ospreay down and gets the near fall. Moriarty then puts his focus on Ospreay’s fingers, but gets hit with a forearm chop. Ospreay then hits Moriarty with a Cheeky Nandos and follows it up with a torture rack. Ospreay then goes for an OsCutter, but Shane Taylor jumps up on the apron. Ospreay then hits a superkick on Taylor. Ospreay then goes for an OsCutter on Moriarty, but Moriarty counters. Moriarty then puts Ospreay in an arm bar. Ospreay then counters and hits Moriarty with a Stormbreaker for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay!

After the match, Ospreay stared AEW International Champion Roderick Strong down before Shane Taylor jumped Ospreay from behind. Taylor then knocked Ospreay out with the right hand, allowing Strong to stand tall over Ospreay.

Tony Schiavone then announces that Willow Nightingale will be defending her TBS Championship against STARDOM’s Tam Nakano at STARDOM’s Flashing Champions event next Saturday ahead of her Double or Nothing match against Mercedes Moné. We then get a video of Moné throwing out the first pitch at the Red Sox game. It is also announced that Nightingale and Moné will have a contract signing on Dynamite.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Trios Match.

Trios Match: Brian Cage and Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona) vs. Evan Rivers and The Voros Twins

The match starts off with Cage going after Rivers early. Both of the Voros Twins then try their best to even the odds, but the Gates of Agony dominate them and put them down. Cage and the Gates of Agony then hit the pendulum powerbomb on Rivers for the win.

The winners of the Trios Match, Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony!

After the match, Tony Schiavone asks Brian Cage why they jumped Swerve Strickland. Cage says that Swerve and Nana used them to get to the top, then left them hanging until they weren’t needed. Cage then says that they needed better leadership, leadership that the Young Bucks could give. Swerve’s music then hits and Cage made his way to the ramp to meet Strickland, but Strickland made his way out through the crowd with a chain and takes out the Gates of Agony. Swerve then hits Cage with a suplex before hitting the Swerve Stomp on both members of the Gates of Agony. Swerve then goes to hang Kaun with the chain before Liona hits Swerve with a Pounce. Liona then goes for another Pounce, but Swerve hits him in the gut with a cinderblock. Swerve then puts Liona on the steel step and hits him with a Con-Chair-To while staring Cage down on the ramp.

We then head to the back, where Swerve Strickland says he tried to be the champion that he thought the company needed, but after being taken advantage of by Christian Cage, the EVPs and the Mogul Embassy, he’s done being nice. Strickland then challenges Brian Cage to a singles match on Dynamite in his home state of Washington.

Daniel Garcia then makes his way down to the ring for the next match and KM is already in the ring waiting.

Singles Match: Daniel Garcia vs. KM

The match starts off with KM bringing Garcia to the corner and hitting him with some chops. Garcia then pushes KM out of the corner, but KM takes Garcia down and dances. KM then puts Garcia back in the corner and slams his face on the turnbuckle. Garcia then sends KM across the ring and in the opposite corner. Garcia then hits KM with 10 punches and dances. Garcia then slams KM to the mat and puts KM in the dragon sleeper for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Daniel Garcia!

We then get a recap of the brawl that ended Dynamite with The Elite and Team AEW after the announcement of the Anarchy in the Arena Match.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: FTR’s Dax Harwood vs. “Dynamite Kid” Tommy Billington

The match starts off with both men circling each other and Harwood making the first move, but Billington escapes. Billington then gets Harwood in the corner, but Harwood goes for a takedown. Billington then puts Harwood in a wrist-lock, but Harwood puts Billington in a side headlock. Harwood then follows that up with a shoulder tackle and Billington headbutts Harwood multiple times. Harwood then puts Billington in a hammerlock. Billington then hits Harwood with multiple shoulder tackles and finally takes him down. Harwood then rolls out of the ring. Harwood then hits Billington with a few shoulder tackles and takes Billington down with a back elbow. Billington then hits Harwood with knife edge chops. Harwood then hits Billington with a standing clothesline and follows it up with a snap suplex. Billington then hits Harwood with a crossbody.

Billington then hits a dive on Harwood on the outside, then follows it up with a shotgun dropkick. Billington then hits Harwood with a clothesline and an elbow drop for a two count. Harwood then puts Billington on the turnbuckle and chops him. Billington then hits Harwood with several headbutts and a forearm. Harwood then hits a suplex on Billington. Harwood then goes up top, but Billington stops him. Harwood then hits Billington with two German suplexes and Billington does the same. Harwood then hits Billington with a back elbow and Billington rolls him up, but Harwood kicks out. Billington then nearly pins Harwood again, but Harwood hits Billington with a powerbomb for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Dax Harwood!

After the match, FTR fist bumps Tommy Billington in a show of respect.

Tony Schiavone then announces that IWGP World Champion Jon Moxley and “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson will face Kyle Fletcher and Jeff Cobb on Dynamite, with Don Callis bringing the NJPW World TV Champion Cobb in to get revenge for Moxley injuring Powerhouse Hobbs on Dynamite a few weeks back.

A video is then shown of what took place backstage immediately following Dynamite this past Wednesday between The Elite and Christopher Daniels.

We then head to the back, where Christopher Daniels says The Young Bucks forgot where they come from. Daniels then says he remembers the very beginning, when everyone was there to try and make AEW the best company on the planet and now The Young Bucks are trying to make it all about themselves. Christopher Daniels then says The Young Bucks are trying to punish him by making him pick a partner to face them on Dynamite and Daniels picks Matt Sydal. Daniels then says someone will be punished on Dynamite, but it just won’t be who The Young Bucks think it is.

We then see FTR backstage and Dax Harwood challenging AEW Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada to a match this Wednesday on Dynamite.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: “La Mera Mera” Thunder Rosa vs. Robyn Renegade

The match starts off with Renegade charging towards Rosa. Rosa then takes Renegade to the mat and Renegade does the same. Both women then take turns forcing each other in the corner. Rosa then goes up top and hits a kick on Renegade in her chest. Rosa then hits Renegade with an armdrag and a dropkick. Rose then hits a chop on Renegade against the ropes and puts her in the corner. Renegade then reverses and slaps Rosa in the ropes. Renegade then goes outside and she sends Rosa in the barricade. Renegade then sends Rosa to the corner. Renegade then hits a double stomp on Rosa. Rosa then hit Renegade with a running lariat and follows it up with a lung blower. Rosa then hits Renegade with a drop kick. Rosa then takes wrist control and hits Renegade in the chest. Renegade then goes for a moonsault, but Rosa rolls out. Rosa then puts Renegade in the camel clutch for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Thunder Rosa!

We then head to the back, where Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie are being interviewed by Lexy Nair. Taya Valkyrie buries the Vancouver NHL Hockey team. Johnny TV then challenges PAC to a match for later tonight on Rampage. Johnny and Taya then makes out to end the segment.

We then hear from HOOK, who says when Chris Jericho first offered to stand by his side, he had hesitations. HOOK then says he told Jericho he knew who he was. HOOK then says the things Jericho has done has pissed him off, but none of it surprises him. HOOK then says Jericho has no idea what he can be and he can’t wait to show him what he can.

Commentary then runs down the Dynamite card, announcing that Kazuchika Okada will be defending the Continental Championship against Dax Harwood. It was also announced that Will Ospreay will go one-on-one with Shane Taylor on next week’s Collision, which will be back on TNT.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a Cope Open Challenge TNT Championship Match.

Cope Open Challenge TNT Championship Match: “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland (c) vs. Kyle O’Reilly

The match starts off with Copeland and O’Reilly locking up and O’Reilly going for a knee. Copeland then puts O’Reilly in a double wrist-lock. Copeland then puts O’Reilly in a side headlock and O’Reilly responds with a top wrist-lock. O’Reilly then takes Copeland down to the mat with a submission move. O’Reilly then hits Copeland with a side headlock takeover. O’Reilly then hits a knee on Copeland in his side. Copeland then sends O’Reilly into the turnbuckle. Copeland then hits. O’Reilly with a gut buster before sending him into the corner. Copeland then hits O’Reilly in the back several times before following it up with a shoulder in his mid-section. O’Reilly then goes for a standing guillotine, but Copeland catches him and sends him to the floor.

Copeland and O’Reilly were on the top rope and Copeland knocks O’Reilly down. O’Reilly then puts Copeland in an armbar and gets a near fall. Copeland then puts O’Reilly in the crossface and O’Reilly makes it to the ropes. Both men are back on their feet and they exchange shots. O’Reilly then hits Copeland with a lariat, but only gets a two count. O’Reilly then hits Copeland with several knee shots, then follows it up with a hammerlock and a leg sweep. O’Reilly then hits Copeland with a belly to back and puts Copeland in a leg lock. Copeland then reaches for the ropes. O’Reilly then kicks Copeland’s legs out from under him. O’Reilly then pulls Copeland’s arm down. O’Reilly then hits Copeland with a knee from the top rope to Copeland’s back. O’Reilly then puts Copeland in the Fujiwara armbar, but Copeland responds with a rear chinlock.

Both men then exchange shots and O’Reilly hits Copeland with kicks and forearms. Copeland then goes for a spear, but O’Reilly jumps over him. Copeland then puts O’Reilly in a rear naked choke and O’Reilly responds with another armbar. Copeland then gets to his feet and stomps on O’Reilly in the gut. Copeland then hits a knee to O’Reilly’s midsection. Both men then go up top and O’Reilly falls down with Copeland and hits his arm. Copeland then goes for the Spear, but O’Reilly intercepts. O’Reilly nearly gets Copeland to tap, but Copeland hits O’Reilly with a DDT. Copeland then hits O’Reilly with the spear and gets the win.

The winner and still the TNT Champion, “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland!

After the match, medics check on O’Reilly and the show comes to a close.

Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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