It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means! The post-Stand & Deliver episode of WWE NXT will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the April 9, 2024 episode.

WWE NXT will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

WWE NXT Lineup (4/9/2024):

  • WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The Wolf Dogs (Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin) (c) vs. Axiom and Nathan Frazer
  • Je’Von Evans will make his official NXT in-ring debut
  • Natalya will confront WWE NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez
  • Trick Williams to make his first television appearance following NXT Stand & Deliver
  • Fallout from NXT Stand & Deliver

WWE NXT Results (4/9/2024):

The show opens up with a video package recapping this past Saturday night’s NXT Stand & Deliver PLE. Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T then welcomes us to the show as new WWE NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez makes her way down to the ring.

Perez starts off by talking about winning the WWE NXT Women’s Championship. Perez then puts an end to the fans’ “You deserve it chants.” Perez says her win was justice. Perez then says she targeted Lyra Valkyria’s injured arm and she doesn’t care if she broke Valkyria’s arm. Perez then says no matter how she did it, she won the title and nobody can take the title from her. Perez then dared anyone to tell her otherwise. Perez then says that the next time she gets the title taken from her, she will be moving to the main roster in the draft.


Lyra Valkyria’s music then hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Valkyria asks Perez if this is what everyone is in store for, then asks Perez if she is too good for NXT. Valkyria then says when Perez moves up, she will take back the WWE NXT Women’s Championship and demands her rematch tonight. Perez then points out that Valkyria isn’t medically cleared.

Tatum Paxley then appears from behind one of the barricades and says Valkyria might not be ready, but she is. Valkyria then tells Paxley she appreciates Paxley stepping up, but she is ready to go. Paxley then questions if she really is, then sends her into the ring steps arm first. Officials then appear to send Paxley to the back. Perez then boasts the attack in the face of fans.

Natalya’s music then hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Natalya says Perez is adorable and the fans want to see a WWE NXT Women’s Championship match. Natalya then says she hasn’t forgotten how rude Perez has been to her. Natalya then says the one championship she hasn’t won in WWE is the one Perez holds and challenges Perez to a title match. Perez then declines to give her a chance and says it’s her show.

NXT General Manager Ava’s music then hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Ava says things won’t be working that way, then makes an NXT Women’s Championship Match between Natalya vs. Perez official for later tonight. Perez then looks to attack Natalya, but Natalya sees her coming. Natalya then goes for a Sharpshooter, but Perez slips out of the ring before Natalya can put it on Perez.

We then head to the back, where Nathan Frazer and Axiom look forward to challenging for the WWE NXT Tag Team Championships again later tonight. Frazer says that they won’t get another shot if they lose. Frazer also says they might have to go their separate ways if they lose.

We then see Chase U in the back and Andre Chase hands honorary Chase U degrees to Kelani Jordan and is about to give Fallon Henley one. Jacy Jayne then interrupts and hints at the real reason she had to bail Chase U out. Jayne then reveals that Andre Chase placed a bet on Thea Hail winning at NXT Great American Bash and he threw in the towel to save Thea. Chase then admits it’s true and tries to explain himself, but Hail storms off.

We then get the entrances of the first match of the night, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: Kiana James and Izzi Dame vs. Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan

Dame and James attack Henley and Jordan during their entrance. Jordan then rallies and tags Henley in. Henley then takes the fight to Dame and drops James. Jordan and Henley then double-team their opponents. Henley then hits a sliding dropkick. James and Dame then take control and ground Jordan. James then continues to maintain the advantage. James and Dame then keep Jordan grounded. Henley then tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. Jordan then keeps the momentum going, but James hits the 401K for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, Kiana James and Izzi Dame!

We then get a video package featuring the debuting Je’Von Evans. Scrypts then comments on facing Evans and makes his way down to the ring for the next match.

We then head to the back, where Charlie Dempsey comments on competing at Bloodsport. Dempsey says their situation with their friends is getting sorted. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and The Family then interrupt and tensions rise, setting the stage for a match.

Je’Von Evans then makes his way down to the ring for the next match of the night, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Je’Von Evans vs. O.T.M’s Scrypts

The match starts off with Evans rolling up Scrypts, but Scrypts kicks out. Evans then hits Scrypts with a dropkick, then follows it up with a chop in the corner and climbs up to the middle rope. Scrypts then trips Evans and nails him with a running Shooting Star Press and a back elbow. Scrypts then sends Evans’ head bouncing off the top turnbuckle, then nails him with stomps in the corner and on his hand. Evans then lands some right hands on Scrypts, then hits him with a Blockbuster. Evans then hits a springboard cutter on Scrypts, then nails him with a clothesline off the top rope. Scrypts then ends up on the outside to regroup with Bronco Nima and Lucien Price, but Evans flies over the top rope to land on them. Scrypts and Evans then end up back in the ring and Scrypts hits Evans with a German suplex. Scrypts then looks to hit a moonsault on Evans from the top rope, but Evans moves out of the way and hits a Corkscrew on Scrypts from the top rope for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Je’Von Evans!

After the match, Nima and Price look to beat Evans down, but Evans sneaks out of the ring before they can.

Natalya and WWE NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez are then shown walking in the back as their championship match is next.

Commentary then looks back at Ridge Holland attacking Joe Gacy at NXT Stand & Deliver. We then head to the back, where Ridge Holland says he wants to apologize to Joe Gacy. Gacy then shows up and says he gets it as Holland went from being on the show to being a panelist on the Countdown show. Holland then walks away and the LWO confronts him. They doubt his apology and Holland walks away, but he slams the door on their fingers.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is the WWE NXT Women’s Championship Match.

WWE NXT Women’s Championship Match: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Natalya

The match starts off with Perez shoving Natalya. Both women then go back and forth before Natalya slaps Perez and sends her out of the ring. Natalya then clotheslines Perez, then sends her back in the ring.

Natalya then sends Perez’s head bouncing off the apron. Natalya then puts Perez in a Bow and Arrow, but Perez escapes. Natalya then hits a clothesline on Perez before the action spills to the outside. Perez then sends Natalya crashing into the ring steps shoulder first, then hits Natalya with a suplex and sends her face first bouncing off the announce desk. Perez then gets Natalya back in the ring and pins her, but Natalya kicks out.

Perez then puts Natalya in a couple of submissions, but Natalya sends her crashing into the mat spine first. Natalya then hits Perez with a couple of right hands on her midsection, then hits Perez with a few more right hands on her head. Natalya then hits a German suplex on Perez, but Perez responds with an arm drag. Natalya then hits a discus lariat on Perez and goes for a Sharpshooter, but Perez escapes and rolls Natalya up.

Natalya then kicks out and pins Perez, but Perez kicks out and locks in a crossface. Natalya then counters the move into a pin, but Perez kicks out. Perez then goes for Pop Rox, but Natalya escapes and locks in a Sharpshooter. Perez then makes it to the bottom ropes to break the hold and ends up on the outside. Natalya then follows Perez and sends her back in the ring, but Lola Vice kicks Natalya while the referee is distracted. Perez then hits the Pop Rox on Natalya for the win.

The winner and still the WWE NXT Women’s Champion, Roxanne Perez!

We then head to the back, where WWE NXT Tag Team Champions The Wolf Dogs (Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin) comment on their win at NXT Stand & Deliver. Breakker and Corbin then look forward to their title match tonight.

We then see Lola Vice talk about how she is tired of waiting for opportunities and how she will be making her own. Natalya then attacks Vice and officials separate them.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: No Quarter Catch Crew (Myles Borne and Damon Kemp) vs. The Family (Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino)

The match starts off with The Family taking control early on. The Family then hits some double-team offense on the No Quarter Catch Crew. Dempsey then saves Borne from a cannonball, which leads to Stacks crashing into the corner. Borne then takes the fight to Stacks. Kemp then hits Stacks with an inverted suplex. Borne and Kemp then double-team Stacks. Crusifino then tags in and takes control with a flurry of offense. Dempsey then tries to interfere, but Stacks takes him out. The Family then hits a flapjack-codebreaker combination on Kemp for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, The Family!

Commentary then looks back on the huge announcement of the WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship.

WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi then makes his way down to the ring to address the NXT Universe.

Femi starts off by saying some things are just inevitable. Femi then says he knew he would retain the NXT North American Championship at Stand & Deliver and he did. Femi then says no one can deny the impressiveness of Josh Briggs and Dijak, but 17,000 people witnessed his power. Femi then says all he could think about was standing in front of the NXT Universe at the Performance Center still holding the NXT North American Championship. Femi then says that won’t change for a long time and that’s inevitable.

The Viking Raiders’ music then hits and Ivar makes his way down to the ring. Ivar starts off by saying he can tell by the look on Femi’s face that he didn’t expect him to be here and says the whole world is talking about Femi’s Triple Threat Match against Briggs and Dijak at NXT Stand & Deliver. Ivar then says he loved the chaos of the match with three big men beating the hell out of each other desperately trying to win the NXT North American Championship. Ivar then says that’s the type of fight he lives for and Femi says he knows Ivar didn’t travel all this way to give him compliments. Femi then asks Ivar what he wants and Ivar says he felt a deep, deep jealousy when he watched Femi’s match. Ivar then says he wanted to be in the fight and says when he looks at Femi, he knows he is the man who can chop Femi down and take the NXT North American Championship from him. Femi then says they shall see and looks to leave, but Ivar stops him. Femi then says that they shall. Femi then hits Ivar with a headbutt, but Ivar overpowers him and knocks him down. Ivar then grabs the NXT North American Championship and holds it up.

Meta-Four then celebrates a successful outing at NXT Stand & Deliver. Oro Mensah is upset and he then picks a fight with Oba Femi. Dijak then shows up and Noam Dar says he knows why Dijak is miserable as he needs sunshine. Dijak then says that was Dar’s one warning.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Jaida Parker vs. Brinley Reece

The match starts off with both women going back and forth. Reece and Parker then take turns locking each other in submission holds. Parker then hits Reece with a modified Blockbuster off the middle rope, then blasts her with a right hand to her spine. Reece then responds with a couple of shoulder tackles and a body slam, then follows it up with a clothesline. Reece then hits a spinebuster on Parker, but Parker responds with a knee to Reece’s midsection and nails her with a strike. Parker then follows it up with a Hip Attack for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Jaida Parker!

We then head to the back, where Arianna Grace discusses being named Ms. Stand & Deliver. Lola Vice then barges in and is clearly frustrated. Sol Ruca then says that Natalya was frustrated because Vice cost her the match. Vice then loses it and confronts Ruca.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is the WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match.

WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The Wolf Dogs (Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin) (c) vs. Axiom and Nathan Frazer

The match starts off with Breakker and Axiom. Axiom hits Breakker with a single leg dropkick, but Breakker blasts him with a clothesline. Frazer then tags in and hits Breakker with a single leg dropkick of his own. Corbin then tags in and hits a suplex on Frazer. Frazer then hits an arm drag on Corbin, then tags Axiom in. Axiom then hits an enzuigiri on Corbin. Corbin and Breakker are then sent to the outside and Frazer and Axiom fly to land on them both.

Corbin then tags in and hits a powerslam on Axiom. Breakker and Frazer then tag in and Frazer looks to fly off the top rope. Breakker catches Frazer, but Frazer sends Breakker crashing into the mat and tags Axiom in. Axiom then hits a Frog Splash on Breakker and Frazer follows it up with a Phoenix Splash. Axiom then goes for a pin, but Corbin breaks it up. Breakker then hits a powerslam on Axiom and Corbin puts Frazer in a Sleeper. Breakker then goes for a pin, but Axiom kicks out. Corbin then tags in and puts Axiom in an Electric Chair position as Breakker climbs to the top. Axiom then escapes with a hurricanrana that sends Corbin crashing into Breakker.

Frazer then tags in and Corbin gets him in an Electric Chair position. Breakker then jumps off the top rope to knock him down and goes for a pin, but Axiom breaks it up with a kick. Axiom then tags in and Frazer looks to fly. Corbin then sends him crashing into the ring steps, then hits a Death Valley Driver on Axiom. Axiom then nails Breakker, but Corbin intercepts him with a couple of clotheslines. Frazer then hits a superkick to Corbin, but Breakker blasts him and is almost sent crashing into Corbin. Axiom and Frazer then hits a double kick to Breakker and Corbin. Frazer then hits a Phoenix Splash for the win.

The winners and new WWE NXT Tag Team Champions, Nathan Frazer and Axiom!

After the match, The Final Testament’s music hits and Karrion Kross and Scarlett make their way down to the ring. Authors of Pain then attack Axiom and Frazer from behind and hit them with the Super Collider.

Commentary then announces that starting April 23rd the two-week special event known as NXT Spring Breakin’ will return.

Trick Williams then makes his way down to the ring to address the NXT Universe.

Williams starts off by saying he went to Philadelphia, stood, delivered and went to war. Williams then says NXT is hotter than ever and broke records and NXT is marching into a new era. Williams then says he wouldn’t be in the position he is in without Carmelo Hayes, then says Hayes is Him. Williams then says he had to show the world who he is and says everybody saw Bayley and Cody Rhodes get their titles at WrestleMania. Williams then says he’s been thinking about what’s next and he knows what is next. Williams then says he thinks the fans know what’s next, then says he needs to slay The Mad Dragon for the WWE NXT Championship. Williams then tells Ilja Dragunov to come out to the ring.

Ilja Dragunov’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Dragunov says he is proud of the Superstar that Williams has become because of his Trick Willy Charisma. Williams then challenges Dragunov to a title match to his face and Dragunov says Williams is full of it after getting his revenge on Hayes on Saturday. Dragunov then says Williams is on top of the world and he sees it in his eyes. Dragunov then declines to give Williams another shot at the NXT Championship and explains that he already had his chance and failed. Dragunov then says it’s time for another Superstar to step up next.

Williams then asks Dragunov who he needs to get through to get another title shot and Dragunov says while persistence is great, Williams is a risk taker. Dragunov then says this is the biggest risk that Williams will ever take. Williams then says he will do whatever it takes and Dragunov says that he will get another NXT Championship two weeks from now at NXT Spring Breakin’ as long as he agrees that if he loses, then he leaves NXT for good. Williams then says he doesn’t belong in NXT if he can’t slay The Mad Dragon and agrees to Dragunov’s terms. Both men then shake hands. Hayes then appears out of nowhere and blindsides both Williams and Dragunov. Hayes then grabs the NXT Championship and tells Williams he won’t make it to Spring Breakin’ because he will beat him in a Steel Cage Match next week. Hayes then stands tall as the show comes to a close.

Tags: WWE Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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