Nic Nemeth spent almost two decades in WWE before his release last year. During his time in the company, he was part of numerous angles, and this includes one with Hugh Jackman. In fact, he faced threats that he was going to be fired after a Hugh Jackman tweet.

In September 2011, the Showoff squared off against Matt Cardona in a singles match. It saw Hugh Jackman, who was the guest host of RAW at the time, punching Nic Nemeth in the face and costing him the match.

While speaking on the Going Postl podcast, Nemeth recounted an incident involving Hugh Jackman where he requested a legitimate punch during a WWE segment. However, his subsequent tweet suggesting a potential jaw fracture caused by Jackman’s punch led to a threat of termination from WWE.

Nemeth clarified that he intended to enhance the storyline and create buzz, not fabricate an injury. Despite Jackman’s denial of causing any harm, TMZ’s inquiry prompted WWE’s concern. Nemeth was instructed to retract the tweet to avoid termination.


”The next day (after moment with Hugh Jackman on Raw), I said, ‘I have to go for x-rays. I may have a slight fractured jaw’ and by the time the next morning came around, I was being threatened with being fired from WWE because I had lied and TMZ was calling them to check on it and I go, ‘I’m just trying to protect the storyline.’ I said, ‘I didn’t say Hugh Jackman put me in a hospital or I’m having a heart attack. I was like, oh, there’s a chance there’s a hairline fracture and I’m gonna get x-rays to keep it vague’, because it’s wrestling… Because it was such a good punch and everybody was talking about it that night and the next day, I was so excited. It all worked out and Broski was on a tear, I was so excited about it.”

Reflecting on the situation, Nemeth explained his intention to add intrigue to the storyline by hinting at a possible fracture. Although he complied with WWE’s request, he couldn’t help but acknowledge the irony that such publicity would later be coveted by the company.

Nemeth temporarily adopted protective measures like wearing mouthguards during subsequent performances. Despite the tumult, Nemeth found humor and enjoyment in the aftermath, participating in matches with Miz and Broski while incorporating the “punch in the face” gimmick.

”I go, ‘Let me add a little extra to it’ and then the second-in-command was like, ‘I don’t wanna have to fire you but you’re gonna have to recant and take this down…’ Meanwhile, cut to two years later or the rest of WWE’s existence, they’d be begging for that kind of publicity but whatever and I said it in a nice way but I took it down but, for the next couple of weeks, I wore mouthguards and did Miz’s punch in the face gimmick that he did for a month or whatever… and it was really, really fun. I think I had matches with Miz anyway or Broski and it was like, the whole thing was not to not punch me in the face because my jaw might be broken and it was the best. That stuff makes it so much fun on the weekends.”

In case you didn’t know, WWE denied Nic Nemeth’s release request multiple times. We will have to wait and see what’s next in store for Nic Nemeth, as the world is truly his oyster right now.

Do you feel Nic Nemeth was simply wasted in WWE despite his efforts? Let us know in the comments section below!

Tags: Nic Nemeth
Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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