It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means! The post-Roadblock episode of WWE NXT will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the March 12, 2024 episode.

WWE NXT will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

WWE NXT Lineup (3/12/2024):

  • WWE NXT North American Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Brooks Jensen
  • Singles Match: Ridge Holland vs. Shawn Spears
  • Singles Match: Gigi Dolin vs. Arianna Grace
  • Singles Match: Lexis King vs. Mr. Stone
  • Tag Team Match: LWO (Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro) vs. O.T.M. (Lucien Price and Bronco Nima)

WWE NXT Results (3/12/2024):

The show opens up with a video package recapping what happened at NXT Roadblock last week. LWO (Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro) then make their way down to the ring as Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Booker T welcomes us. O.T.M. (Lucien Price and Bronco Nima) then blindsides the LWO before the first match of the night can officially begin.

Tag Team Match: LWO (Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro) vs. O.T.M. (Lucien Price and Bronco Nima)

The match starts off with Nima and Price sending Wilde to the ring from the floor. O.T.M. then works over Wilde and Price hits a modified x-plex on Wilde. Price then nails Wilde with a standing stomp. Wilde then manages to tag Del Toro in. Wilde and Del Toro then clear the ring and deliver stereo dives on Nima and Price. Del Toro then delivers a flurry of offense on Price. Del Toro then gets a near fall on Price after hitting him with a springboard dropkick.


Nima then hits Del Toro with a spinning sidewalk slam and goes for the pin, but Wilde breaks it up. Wilde then jumps off Nima’s back, dives out of the ring and lands on Price. Nima then goes for a Samoan drop off the top rope, but Del Toro escapes and hits a rana on Nima off the top rope. Del Toro then assists Wilde as he hits a springboard 450 on Nima for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, LWO!

We then see WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi arrive to the building earlier today with his title over his shoulder and he is asked about the title match tonight. Femi seems super confident and Brooks Jensen suddenly appears. Jensen then pushes Femi and they are quickly separated by security. Josh Briggs then appears and he yells at Jensen, asking him what he thinks he is doing by making Femi angry.

We then head to the back, where Thea Hail is with Andre Chase and Duke Hudson. They make amends, but Hail is still making excuses for Jacy Jayne not being there. Hail then realizes that Jayne is hanging out without her. Hail then insists she has other friends and reveals Kelani Jordan as her partner for the tag team match tonight.

Roxanne Perez then makes her way down to the ring to address the NXT Universe about her heel turn on last week’s show.

Perez starts off by saying she is tired of being nice. Perez then says she collapsed after her match with Meiko Satomura because she was carrying this women’s division on her back. Perez then says she got booed when she stood in the ring against Becky Lynch, who came to NXT to win a title she never could before. Perez then says she has won everything and it means nothing. Perez then says Lyra Valkyria had a chance to do the right thing after their title match was ruined by Lola Vice and Valkyria’s weirdo friend.

Perez then says instead of giving her another shot, Valkyria decided to go after the tag titles. Perez then says she doesn’t need anyone’s support or approval. Perez then says thanks to her the NXT Universe has witnessed the rise and fall of Lyra Valkyria. Perez then demands that NXT General Manager Ava come to the ring and award her the title Valkyria can’t defend. NXT General Manager Ava then makes her way out on the stage. Tatum Paxley then jumps the barricade and tries to attack Perez. Perez then boots Paxley in the face and security holds Paxley back.

We then head to the back, where we see The Family discussing Tony D’Angelo’s win over Carmelo Hayes last week to secure his spot in an NXT Championship Match against NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov at Stand & Deliver. Luca Crusifino starts off by telling D’Angelo that he took care of the two pieces of business he wanted him to. Ilja Dragunov then interrupts and the rest of The Family exits, leaving D’Angelo alone with Dragunov. Dragunov then congratulates D’Angelo on doing exactly what he said he would. Dragunov then says D’Angelo has his finger in many pots while the only thing he has is the NXT Championship. D’Angelo then tells Dragunov he likes him no matter what happens and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and Crusifino grabs him. Lorenzo and Crusifino then put Dragunov in the trunk of a car and drive off with D’Angelo and Adriana Rizzo.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Lexis King vs. Mr. Stone

The match starts off with Stone delivering a flurry of offense on King. Stone then misses a crossbody off the top rope and King delivers a running knee to Stone’s gut. King then works over Stone’s injured midsection. Stone then tries to get back into the match, but King quickly cuts him off. King then hits his Coronation finisher on Stone for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Lexis King!

After the match, King tries to attack Stone once again. Von Wagner makes his way down to the ring to make the save and Wagner carries Stone to the back.

We then head to the back, where we see Kelly Kincaid catch up with NXT North American Champion Oba Femi. Dijak then walks in and gets into a verbal exchange with Femi.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a WWE NXT North American Championship Match.

WWE NXT North American Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Brooks Jensen

The match starts off with Jensen putting Femi in a side headlock. Femi then lifts Jensen and places him on the apron. Femi then knocks Jensen off the apron. Jensen then returns to the ring and is sent to the mat by Femi with a headlock takeover. Briggs is then shown watching his former partner’s match from the back. Jensen then jumps off the top rope into a vicious right hand from Femi. Femi then stomps Jensen out.

Femi then hits multiple backbreakers on Jensen. Femi then crushes Jensen in the corner. We then see Briggs making his way down to the ring from the back. Femi then chokes Jensen out as Briggs cheers on Jensen. Jensen then tries to get back into the match and delivers a flurry of offense on Femi. Jensen then gets a near fall after hitting Femi with a powerslam. Femi then hits Jensen with a high-angle back body drop. Femi then hits Jensen with an atomic bomb. Femi then laughs at Briggs as he beats Jensen down and Jensen is barely moving. Femi then hits Jensen with another atomic bomb. Femi then hits Jensen with a popup powerbomb. Femi then hits Jensen with another powerbomb for the win.

The winner and still the WWE NXT North American Champion, Oba Femi!

We then see The Family and WWE NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov on a bridge. “The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo tells Dragunov that he needs to pay for entering his restaurant and although Dragunov strikes fear in his opponents, he needs to look around. D’Angelo then says he can end everything with the snap of his fingers and tells Dragunov to enjoy his walk back. D’Angelo then looks to get back into the car, but Dragunov stops him and says he always finds a way.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Gigi Dolin vs. Arianna Grace

The match starts off with Grace running away as Dolin tries to punch her in the face. Dolin then chases Grace around the ring. Dolin then hits Grace with a hip attack and follows that up with a basement dropkick, but Grace kicks out. Dolin then misses a splash in the corner and Grace stomps Dolin and nails her with a suplex. Grace then works over Dolin, but Dolin tries to get back in the match. Grace then tries to put her crown on Dolin. The referee then tries to take the crown away and Grace low blows Dolin, but the referee doesn’t see it. Dolin then low blows Grace in front of the referee and the referee calls for the bell, which means Dolin has been disqualified.

The winner of the Singles Match, Arianna Grace!

We then head to the back, where we see Karmen Petrovic and Lola Vice getting into a verbal confrontation. Sol Ruca then defuses the situation before Brinley Reece walks in and voices her excitement for her match against Sol Ruca next week.

We then see that Kelani Jordan is laid out and being checked on by officials as she grabs her knee and that Thea Hail doesn’t have a partner for the next match.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: Thea Hail and Fallon Henley vs. Kiana James and Izzi Dame

The match starts off as a 2-On-1 Handicap Match with James and Dame surrounding Hail. Fallon Henley’s music then hits and Henley makes her way down to the ring. Henley then sends James flying with a dragon screw. Dame then tags in and is sent flying by a slingshot hip toss. James then causes a distraction and Dame manages to hit Henley with a stun gun. James and Dame then take turns working over Henley.

Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx then show up at ringside and Hail gets upset. Henley then tags Hail in and Hail clears the ring. Hail then reverses James’ powerbomb into a kimura. James then sends Hail out of the ring. Jayne then pulls Henley out of the way as Dame goes for a big boot. Dame then boots Hail in the face instead. James then hits her Bankrupt finisher on Hail for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, Kiana James and Izzi Dame!

After the match, Henley helps Hail up. Hail then grabs the mic and says Jayne must think she is a loser right now. Hail then asks Jayne what she did to her and what happened to them and says she thought they were everything. Hail also says she thought Jayne was the coolest girl in the locker room and her best friend and says she changed herself for Jayne. Hail then says throughout their friendship, Jayne has just become a more rotten version of herself. Hail also says she chose to ignore that because she idolized Jayne and says she thought she was her sister. Hail then says she wants to be nothing like Jayne and says while she may be a loser to Jayne or not cool enough for her, the old her is back. Hail then takes several laps around in celebration.

We then head to the back, where we see Riley Osborne watch what just happened in the ring before he gets in a verbal exchange with No Quarter Catch Crew. Axiom and Nathan Frazer then walk in and offer their help to Osborne.

We then see The Good Brothers cuts a promo on Hank Walker and Tank Ledger, who they will face in a qualifying match next week and the winner will be added to the triple threat #1 contender’s match. Hank and Tank then respond with a promo of their own and they are confronted by WWE NXT Tag Team Champions Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Ridge Holland vs. Shawn Spears

The match starts off with Holland charging in, but stops in his tracks as Spears just holds out his arms, begging Holland to hit him. Holland then does hit Spears and Holland runs over Spears and nails him with a big boot. Spears then sends Holland over the top rope. Spears then follows Holland and gets hit with a number of nasty strikes. Holland then picks Spears up and sends him into the ring post, but he stops. Holland is having second thoughts, but Spears slips off Holland’s shoulder and pushes him into the ring post. Holland then gets tied up in the ropes.

Spears then taunts Holland by telling him he let everyone down, including his wife. Holland then escapes and headbutts Spears. Holland then hits a lariat on Spears. Holland then sends Spears out of the ring and beats him down. Holland then sends Spears into the ring steps and Spears looks to be out on his feet. Holland then clears the announce desk and chokeslams Spears through the table. Spears is then sent back into the ring and Holland brings a chair into the ring, but the referee pulls it away. Spears then rolls up Holland and Holland kicks out. Holland then sets up his finisher, but Spears reveres it into the C4 on a chair to get the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Shawn Spears!

Trick Williams then makes his way down to the ring to address the NXT Universe.

Williams starts off by saying he is pissed off because family means something to Williams and he supported Carmelo Hayes no matter what. Williams also says seeing Hayes do well made him want to step his game up. Williams then says he wanted Hayes to be happy for him, the way he was happy for Hayes. Williams then says he heard the whispers about Hayes hating on him and even John Cena told him to watch out when it comes to Hayes. Williams then says Hayes lied about attacking him and Hayes lied about being his brother. Williams then says Hayes thinks they aren’t on the same level and thinks Hayes is right. Williams then says Hayes wouldn’t be on his level if he was standing on a step stool with a Ludacris fro. Williams then challenges Hayes to a match at Stand & Deliver.

Meta-Four then interrupt and Noam Dar says everyone is tired of hearing Williams complain. Dar then says Williams deserves what Hayes did to him. Dar then says he is on to bigger and better things and he wants Williams’ heat. Dar then says he can’t think of a better way to do it than knocking Williams off. Dar then challenges Williams to a match next week. Williams then nails Dar and Oro Mensah makes his way to the ring. Williams then nails Mensah as well and Lash Legend takes a swing at Williams. Williams then blocks it and grabs Legend. Legend is flustered and Williams kisses Legend. Dar and Mensah then attack Williams, but are quickly sent out of the ring by Williams. Williams then stands tall in the middle of the ring as the show comes to a close.

Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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