WWE and 2K Games unveiled the complete roster for WWE 2K24 today, yet notable absences were observed: Brock Lesnar and Vince McMahon. Their exclusion marks the latest instance of WWE distancing itself from the two figures.

This decision follows a sex trafficking lawsuit filed against McMahon and WWE, implicating former WWE/UFC Heavyweight Champion. The Wall Street Journal identified Lesnar as this individual on the same day the suit was made public.

In light of these developments, Lesnar’s involvement in WWE’s plans, including matches at the Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, and WrestleMania 40, was terminated. Additionally, WWE removed him from the WWE 2K Supercard mobile game and replaced him on the cover of the WWE 2K24 Forty Years of WrestleMania edition.

Furthermore, Lesnar has been edited out of the introductory video package for WWE’s weekly television shows, signaling WWE’s effort to distance itself from the wrestler amid the ongoing legal proceedings.


While the WWE 2K24 roster was initially revealed in stages over several days, the final list released today excludes Lesnar and McMahon. The move underscores WWE’s proactive measures in response to the controversy surrounding the lawsuit, prioritizing the company’s image and distancing itself from implicated parties.

How do you believe WWE’s decision to exclude Brock Lesnar and Vince McMahon from WWE 2K24 and other promotional materials reflects the company’s approach to managing controversies and protecting its brand image, and what potential impact do you think this could have on the wrestling industry as a whole? Let us know in the comments below.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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