KiLynn King is one of the most promising female wrestlers in the world. She first gained traction in AEW before she moved to NWA.

KiLynn has been plying her trade around the world and has put on incredible matches against some of the top women in the industry such as Jordynne Grace, Deonna Purrazzo, Sierra, and many more.

Just when her career was starting to take off to new heights, she was put on the shelf with an ACL injury that will keep her out of action for the next nine to twelve months. King recently posted on social media that she has undergone surgery for her ACL injury and is recovering from it.

“The deed is finally done. Surgery went really really well, thank you to Dr. Tramer and all the nurses who talked me through everything and kept a smile on my face..”


“This was my first major surgery so I had a lot of nerves and anxiety and they made the process so pleasant and smooth, now I’m home binge watching TWD..

“Thank you guys for all the prayers and well wishes, today we rest, tomorrow the comeback begins.”

KiLynn King had her last match at Mayhem on Mill The Glow where she defended her Mayhem On Mills Title against Eli Knight. We hope that KiLynn King recovers from her injury quickly and returns back to in-ring action.

What do you make of KiLynn King’s injury? Are you sad to see her out of the ring for so long? Sound off in the comments section

Sunil Joseph

Passionate pro wrestling fan. Sunil has been writing WWE content writing for over the last five years. Sunil still gets excited when he gets to tell people that he gets paid to watch pro wrestling.

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