Shinsuke Nakamura has been involved in a rivalry with Cody Rhodes for a few weeks now. It all began when Nakamura started leaving cryptic messages for a challenger. He finally revealed who those messages were for when he attacked Cody Rhodes a couple of weeks ago on RAW.

The two men were set to settle their differences this past week on RAW but the match ended in a disqualification when Nakamura sprayed the poison mist in Cody Rhodes’ face.

It now looks like this rivalry is far from over as the two men will be facing each other again at Madison Square Garden on December 26th and WWE is set to revive a unique stipulation for their match.

It has been announced that WWE will be bringing back the Texas Bullrope match for Cody Rhodes’ upcoming encounter with Shinsuke Nakamura. This match is special for the American Nightmare as it was a staple of his father Dusty Rhodes who even faced Randy Orton in a Texas Bullrope match at the Great American Bash in 2007.


It will be interesting to see if this match will finally produce a winner in this rivalry between Nakamura and Cody Rhodes.

What do you make of WWE bringing back the Texas Bullrope match? Who do you think will win this match? Sound off in the comments section.

Sunil Joseph

Passionate pro wrestling fan. Sunil has been writing WWE content writing for over the last five years. Sunil still gets excited when he gets to tell people that he gets paid to watch pro wrestling.

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