Logan Paul entered WWE with years of experience taking hate from fans. The Maverick is now WWE United States Champion, and he’s having quite a good time with it.

Logan Paul won the United States Championship at WWE Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia earlier this month, where his singles match against Rey Mysterio saw outside interference, and some brass knuckles, which led to the title change. He also tried to pawn that title later on, but that is another story.

Recently, a wrestling fan commented on one of Logan Paul’s posts, referring to him as a “knob” and suggesting that he make an appearance on WWE television at some point. Paul acknowledged the fan’s comment on his Instagram story. Paul was very insistent that he doesn’t care, and he will do what he wants at this point. He had quite a profane way of saying it as well.

“Let me tell you something… I’m going to do whatever the f*ck I want.” 


Logan Paul has used his personality to make him millions, and his business decisions are now paying off with Prime. He may not even need WWE, but he is still around, and carrying the company’s United States Title, as he goes strong toward the end of 2023.

Ringside News exclusively reported that WWE is very happy with how Logan Paul has brought exposure to the WWE United States Title. At this point, The Maverick’s time in the company has been quite beneficial to marketing to his fan base.

We will have to see what is next for Logan Paul in WWE. He is going strong as WWE United States Champion, and only time will tell how long he is able to keep that treasure that he apparently showers and sleeps with.

Logan Paul’s tenure as WWE United States Champion has generated a lot of attention and discussion within the wrestling community. How do you feel about celebrities like Logan Paul holding titles in professional wrestling, and do you think it helps bring new fans to the sport? Leave us a comment.

Tags: Logan Paul
Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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