CM Punk is in the pro wrestling rumor mill in a big way, and fans want to see his return. He might have been toxic for the AEW locker room, but WWE is in Chicago this weekend, and that calls for hopes that the Second City Savior will be there. The chants will be around this week in a big way, and they’ve already started.

Ringside News will have comprehensive coverage of WWE SmackDown’s November 24th episode. Go-home episodes before premium live events are always interesting as they put the finishing touches on things before the show.

The set design for tonight’s SmackDown and tomorrow night’s Survivor Series events in Chicago has been unveiled. WWE made additional seats available at the Allstate Arena after an initial sellout, leading to a simplified set design.

This marks our first glimpse of the Survivor Series stage, set to be utilized for both SmackDown and the main event. While some CM Punk fans might spot Pepsi advertisements on arena boards, it’s probably just a random occurrence. Contrary to numerous reports, there is no credible information regarding CM Punk’s discussions with WWE.


Video is already coming out of the Allstate Arena, showing fans chanting “CM PUNK” as loud as they can. They may be having fun, but some may actually anticipate the Second City Savior showing up in Chicago. Either way, they are certainly making their voices heard.

You can check out the video below. Only time will tell if those fans get what they’re hoping for, because CM Punk could certainly bring a pop for that Chicago crowd tonight for SmackDown.

What’s your take on CM Punk chants? Let us know what you think in the comments!

Tags: CM Punk
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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