RVD shocked fans all over when he checked AEW off his pro wrestling companies bucket list, and he showed up to set up a match against Jungle Boy. That being said, things can come together fast in the pro wrestling world, and every precaution was made to make sure that RVD was kept a secret.

Although it was reported prior to his AEW debut that the company is going to book RVD, they still kept him hidden backstage the best they could. After all, bringing a WWE Hall of Famer in like RVD is a big deal.

While talking to Premier Streaming Network, RVD mentioned that AEW put him in a trailer and tried to tuck him away from prying eyes that might ruin the surprise.

When I got out of my limo, or car whatever the f*ck it was, they put me in a wheelchair, and put a blanket over me, and they pushed me all the way back to a room, so I had my own room. Since they went through all that trouble I stayed in my room and I wasn’t gonna f*ck it up for them. So, I stayed hidden until after my appearance, and some of the guys like Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy, Brian Cage, some of the guys I got to see, they said ‘I thought I heard the crowd chanting RVD, I was like what?'”


RVD’s AEW debut could open the door for even more appearances. Even at 52-years-old, RVD can still go in the ring. He kept taking indie wrestling bookings after his Impact Wrestling departure, and it’s anyone’s guess what he will be able to do in AEW.

RVD can still do a lot in AEW, and he will start against Jack Perry. He might just win the FTW Title and retire it in the process while he’s at it.

What’s your take on RVD in AEW? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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