It’s that time of the year for WWE host Backlash. This year’s show will take place on May 6 from San Juan, Puerto Rico. The results coverage for WWE Backlash will begin at 8:00 p.m. ET and there will be a kickoff show at 7:00 p.m. ET.

This year’s Backlash will be the first Premium Live Event held in Puerto Rico since 2005. The show also boasts an exciting lineup of matches as Cody Rhodes looks to get his revenge on Brock Lesnar. The Bloodline will also be in action as they face Matt Riddle, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn. The complete match card is as follows:

  • San Juan Street Fight: Damian Priest vs. Bad Bunny
  • Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship: Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Zelina Vega
  • Seth “Freakin” Rollins vs. Omos
  • Triple Threat Match for the United States Championship: Austin Theory (c) vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed
  • RAW Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair (c) vs. IYO SKY
  • Matt Riddle, Kevin Owens, & Sami Zayn vs. The Bloodline

WWE Backlash Opener:

The opening package for the show airs. The commentators welcome the audience to the show.

RAW Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair (c) vs. IYO SKY

Bianca Belair’s music plays and she comes out to the ring. IYO SKY’s theme song plays and she walks to the ring.


The match begins and Belair with a headlock takedown. IYO gets out of it. Belair takes her down again. Belair knocks her down with a shoulder tackle. Belair with a dropkick. She then bodyslams IYO.

IYO stomps the arm of Belair. IYO attacks Bianca in the corner. Belair fights back and bodyslams IYO. SKY fights back with a couple of forearms and sends her into the turnbuckle.

IYO drops Belair and attacks the injured arm. IYO with the stomp to Belair. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Both women exchange strikes. IYO goes for a head scissors but Belair counters it into the backbreaker.

Belair with a clothesline and a dropkick. Belair hits the vertical suplex. She then attacks IYO in the corner. IYO climbs onto the top rope but Belair stops her and lifts her above her head and plants her. She then hits the moonsault. Cover! 1….2…..kick out.

Belair sent into the turnbuckle. IYO hangs the arm of Belair on the rope. She then hits the missile dropkick sending Belair out of the ring. IYO climbs the top rope but is knocked off. Belair goes for the 450 splash but IYO gets her knees up and locks her in the crossface. Belair fights out of it and lifts IYO to hit the powerbomb but IYO plants her with a facebuster. Cover! 1…2….kick out.

SKY with a meteora in the corner. Belair goes for the KOD but IYO reverses and sends her out of the ring. IYO with a kick to the midsection. IYO hits a moonsault on the outside. IYO sends Belair into the ring. Cover! 1….2…kick out.

IYO sets her up in the corner but is thrown to the apron. IYO goes for a hurricanrana but is stopped and Belair hits a powerbomb off the top rope. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Damage CTRL comes out and distract Belair. IYO grabs her hair but she hits her with a forearm.

Kai on the apron but is knocked down. IYO rolls her up but can’t get the win. Belair drags Bayley into the ring and throws her into the ropes. Kai kicks Belair while the referee was distracted. IYO climbs the top rope and goes for a moonsault and misses. Belair hits the KOD for the win.

Winner: Bianca Belair (c)

Bad Bunny is backstage and Rey enters his room. They both talk in Spanish. Savio Vega also enters the room and gives Bad Bunny a kendo stick.

Seth “Freakin” Rollins vs. Omos

Omos’ music plays and he walks to the ring. Seth Rollins’ music hit and he makes his way to the ring.

Omos attacks Rollins from behind as the crowd sings his song. The match starts and Omos knocks Rollins down with a shoulder tackle. Omos stands on Rollins’ midsection. Rollins tries to fight back but is knocked down.

Omos with the iron claw on Rollins. He then sends Rollins outside the ring. Rollins sends Omos into the post. He then dives onto Omos. He goes for it again but is caught and choke slammed on the apron. Omos throws Rollins into the ring. Omos with snake eyes and follows it with a big boot.

Rollins tries to lock in the sleeper hold but Omos throws him away. Rollins with a springboard knee and he kicks Omos. He hits the basement dropkick and superkicks him. Seth goes for a pedigree but Omos reverses it.

Rollins escapes a splash in the corner and slams Omos’ face in the post. He then hits the tornado DDT from the top rope. Rollins climbs the top rope and hits a frog splash. Cover! 1…kick out.

Rollins with a couple of forearms and attacks the neck. He goes for the stomp but Omos blocks it and delivers a chokeslam. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Rollins locks in a sleeper hold. Omos breaks it by hitting a side slam.

MVP distracts the referee. Rollins hits the stomp and superkicks MVP. He then hits another stomp. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Seth climbs the top rope and he hits the stomp from the top rope for the win.

Winner: Seth “Freakin” Rollins

*Commercial break*

Triple Threat Match for the United States Championship: Austin Theory (c) vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed

Bobby Lashley’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Bronson Reed’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring. Austin Theory’s music hit and he makes his way to the ring.

The match starts and Lashley knocks down Theory. Lashley attacks Reed in the corner. Lashley goes for the hurt lock but Theory dropkicks him. He sends Reed out of the ring.

Lashley with a suplex. Theory trips Lashley and Reed hits the splash. Both men attack Lashley in the corner. Reed and Theory team up against Lashley. Reed knocks down Theory. Lashley slams Reed and Theory to the mat.

Lashley hits the spear. Cover! 1…2….Reed breaks it up. He then superkicks Lashley. Reed hits a splash on Lashley. Reed sends Lashley into the ring and he climbs the top rope but Theory stops him.

Theory goes for A-Town Down but Lashley locks in the hurt lock. Theory escapes the lock. Reed hits the tsunami. Cover! 1….2….Theory breaks it up. Theory with a blockbuster on Reed. He goes for the A-Town Down but he escapes and hit the power slam.

Reed climbs the top rope and goes for the moonsault and misses. Lashley hits the spear on him. Theory throws Lashley out of the ring and pins Reed.

Winner: Austin Theory (c)

*Commercial break*

SmackDown Women’s Championship: Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Zelina Vega

Rhea Ripley’s music plays and she walks to the ring. Zelina Vega’s theme song plays next and she comes out to the ring.

The match begins and Zelina goes outside and gets a footwear from her mother and throws it at Rhea. She then goes for a hurricanrana but is caught and powerbombed by Ripley. Cover! 1…2..kick out.

Rhea slams Vega’s face in the mat. Rhea attacks Zelina in the corner. Zelina fights back but it is not enough. Ripley with a backbreaker on Zelina. Rhea goes to work on Zelina. Rhea sent into the post.

Zelina fights back but Rhea stops her with a headbutt. Rhea goes for riptide but Vega reverses it into a DDT. She then hits the 619 and climbs the top rope. Zelina hits the meteora. Cover! 1….2….kick out.

Ripley with a kick to the head of Vega. She the hits the riptide for the win

Winner: Rhea Ripley (c)

*Commercial break*

San Juan Street Fight: Damian Priest vs. Bad Bunny

Damian Priest’s music hit and he walks out to the ring. Bad Bunny’s music hit and he walks to the ring.

The match starts and Priest shoves Bad Bunny down. Bunny slaps Priest and hits the Michinoku driver. Cover! 1….Kick out. Priest chases Bunny out of the ring and he gets a kendo stick.

Priest attacks Bunny in the corner. He then breaks the kendo stick. Priest with a body slam. Bunny tries to fight back but is stopped. Priest claps the years of Bunny. He hits him with an elbow in the corner.

Priest hits the South of Heaven. Cover! 1….2….Priest lifts Bunny’s shoulders off the mat. Priest gets an axe handle. Priest goes for a dive but Bunny throws a chair at him. He then grabs a kendo stick and hits him. He then hits a tornado DDT. Bunny sends Priest outside the ring.

Bunny climbs the top rope and hits a crossbody. Bunny attacks Priest with a trash can lid. Bunny takes a kendo stick and attacks him. Bunny attacks him in the corner. Bunny with a falcon arrow. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Priest tries to leave the match but Bunny goes after him with a trash can. Priest kicks Bunny and hits him with a trash can. Priest attacks Bunny with a trash can lid. He takes a kendo stick and hits Bunny. Priest sends Bunny into the timekeeper’s area.

Bunny tries to fight back but is stopped. Priest kicks Bunny in the head. Priest places Bunny on the equipment box and hits a broken arrow through a table. Priest carries Bunny and walks towards the ring. He dumps him in the ringside area.

Priest kicks him in the chest. He goes for another kick and hits the post. Bunny gets a kendo stick and attacks the leg. Bunny hyperextends the leg of Priest. Bunny attacks the knee of Priest.

Bunny grabs a steel chain and attacks the leg. He grabs a steel chair and hits the leg of Priest. Priest pleads with Bunny before kicking him in the face. Bunny with a low blow. Dominik and Balor come out and attack Bad Bunny.Rey Mysterio comes out and attacks Dominik and Finn Balor but the numbers are too much.

Carlito’s music plays and he comes out and takes out Dominik Mysterio and Finn Balor. He hits the backstabber to Balor. Dominik attacks him from behind but he turns the tables on him. Rey hits the 619 and Carlito spits the apple in Dominik’s face.

Savio Vega’s music plays and he comes out and blocks their path. LWO’s music plays next and they come out and join him. They attack Balor and Dominik Mysterio. Vega chops Balor and kicks him. He chops Dominik who runs away with Balor.

Priest goes for a kick but his leg gave out and Bunny locks in the figure four leg lock. Priest breaks the hold and goes for South of Heaven but Bunny rolls him up. He can’t get the pinfall.

Priest sent into the steel chair in the corner. Bunny hits slice bread number 2. Cover! 1..2…kick out. Bunny grabs a steel chair and attacks Damian Priest. Bunny hits the Bunny Destroyer for the win.

Winner: Bad Bunny

LWO, Carlito, and Savio Vega come out to celebrate with Bad Bunny.

*Commercial break*

Matt Riddle, Kevin Owens, & Sami Zayn vs. The Bloodline

The Usos’ theme song plays and they come out to the ring with Solo Sikoa. Matt Riddle’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Kevin Owens’ theme song plays and he comes out. Sami Zayn’s music plays and he joins them and they make their way to the ring.

The match begins with Sami Zayn and Jey Uso. Jey knocks down Sami Zayn. Sami with a clothesline on Jey Uso. Jey tags out and Jimmy enters the ring. Sami tags out to Kevin Owens.

Owens attacks Jimmy in the corner. He knocks him down and hits a senton. He tags out to Riddle. Riddle kicks Jimmy and hits a gutwrench suplex. He tags out and Sami attacks Jimmy.

Solo tags in. Sikoa attacks Sami Zayn in the corner. He stomps him repeatedly. Solo knocks him down. He tags out and Jimmy continues to attack Sami. Jey tags in and attacks Sami in the corner.

Jimmy tags in and kicks Zayn. Solo tags in and stomps Zayn. Solo headbutts Zayn. Jimmy tags in and continues the assault. Cover! 1…2..kick out. Jimmy goes to work on Sami.

Jimmy superkicks Riddle. Sami fights back with a clothesline. Jimmy tags out. Jey comes in but is sent outside the ring. Jey takes out Owens as Sami goes to make a tag. Sami tries to fight back but he is stopped and Jey hits a Samoan drop. Jey tags out to Solo and he continues the assault.

He attacks Sami in the corner. Sami with a tornado DDT. Both men tag out and Riddle attacks The Usos. He hits Jey with a ripcord knee. and suplexes Jimmy Uso. He then hits the broton on them. Riddle kicks Sikoa and dives onto The Bloodline.

Jimmy hits him with a superkick. Jimmy climbs the top rope but is stopped by Riddle who throws him off the top. Riddle tags out and Owens hits a swanton. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Owens with a superkick and Jey tags in. Jimmy accidentally kicks Jey Uso. Owens hits the pop-up powerbomb. Cover! 1…2….kick out. Owens goes for a Swanton but Jey gets his knees up.

Both men exchange strikes in the ring. Owens goes for a stunner but Jey hits him with a superkick and Owens comes back with a clothesline. Both men tag out and Sami with a blue thunder bomb. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Sami climbs the top rope but is stopped by Jimmy. Jey tags in. Sami fights off The Usos and goes for a dive but is caught with a double superkick. Jey slaps Sami in the corner. Solo tags in. Jey tags himself in and enters the ring. Sami goes for the Helluva kick and catches Solo. Sami with an exploder suplex and a Helluva kick to Jey. Cover! 1…2….Solo makes the save.

Riddle with a knee to Solo. They all take out each other. Solo almost hits Jey with the Samoan Spike. They both argue in the ring. Sami attacks Sikoa. Jey with a superkick to Sami. He climbs the top rope and goes for a splash but Sami gets his knees up. Riddle tags in and attacks Jey.

Jey with a superkick. Riddle with a knee. Solo tags in. Riddle hits the Bro Derick on Jey. Solo hits the Samoan Spike on Riddle for the win.

Winner: The Bloodline

*Commercial break*

Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar

Cody Rhodes’ music hit and walks out to the ring. Brock Lesnar’s music plays and he walks to the ring.

Cody dives onto Brock while he was making his entrance. Rhodes attacks Brock with the steel steps. Rhodes attacks Lesnar with a steel chair. Brock gets in the ring and the match starts.

Rhodes attacks Lesnar in the corner. Rhodes hits two disaster kicks. He goes for it again but Brock catches him and hits a German suplex. Cody dives onto Brock but is caught and hit with a fallaway slam.

Brock hits a German suplex. Brock with another German suplex. Brock kicks Cody. Lesnar with another German suplex. Brock hits a suplex and does it again. Brock with another German suplex. Brock locks in a bear hug. He then throws him across the ring.

Brock attacks Cody in the corner. Brock sent into the turnbuckle. Rhodes with the Cody cutter. Rhodes with a disaster kick. He attacks Lesnar. Rhodes with another Cody cutter. He hits a couple of cross Rhodes. Cover! 1….2…kick out.

He goes for the cross Rhodes but Brock reverses into the F5. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Brock locks in the Kimura lock. Cody rolls up Brock and gets the win.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

This ends out live coverage of WWE Backlash!

Tags: WWE Backlash
Sunil Joseph

Passionate pro wrestling fan. Sunil has been writing WWE content writing for over the last five years. Sunil still gets excited when he gets to tell people that he gets paid to watch pro wrestling.

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