Brock Lesnar has been involved in many brutal incidents over his career in the squared circle. Some of the most insane angles didn’t even take place in the ring, like when he was arrested for steroids while training for WWE. Now, we have confirmation that WWE actually used a stunt double to pull off one of his most infamous angles.

Wrestling News recently spoke to Zach Gowen where he spilled the beans about his infamous bump down the stairs. It has always widely been theorized and rumored that Gowen didn’t really take that fall, after all WWE throwing a one-legged man down the stairs might have turned out badly for them as a publicly traded company.

Zach Gowen put all of the speculation to rest as he confirmed that WWE actually brought in a stunt double for him that night. He didn’t have to take that brutal fall down the stairs, but he was down for several other bumps that he didn’t have to take.

“I didn’t take it. They brought in a stunt double to take that fall for me. They brought in a stunt double to take that particular fall down the stairs tied to a wheelchair.”


“This guy looked just like me except he had two feet, which is pretty cool to see. Right before we cut, Vince asked me if I wanted to take the bump. I looked at him and said, “Are you crazy?’ I know how to get powerbombed, I know how to jump off the top rope, but I don’t know how to fall off a flight of stairs with a wheelchair bouncing right behind my head, so I politely declined. Vince would have let me take that bump if I obliged, and thankfully, I didn’t.” 

Brock Lesnar hasn’t been hard to find for years, because he has remained a part-time featured performer for WWE. Throughout his career, he has continued to destroy opponents, but he hasn’t tossed any of them down a flight of stairs since.

Sadly, Zach Gowen’s career in WWE didn’t last forever, and he moved on. He seems very happy with his career in pro wrestling and everything he achieved. After all, a guy like Zach Gowen had a lot of things working against him, but he fought on to make the most of his situation.

What’s your favorite Brock Lesnar angle? Do you just like to see him wreck people? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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