Logan Paul has no business being as good as he is in WWE, and that opinion came straight from Triple H. The Maverick continues to impress every time he is booked for a match, so it’s no surprise that WWE has even more plans for him in the pipeline.

The last time WWE fans saw Logan Paul was at WrestleMania 39. He faced off against Seth Rollins, and although he did not win the match, Paul certainly won over the Drip God’s respect.

Logan Paul inked new deal with WWE, and he also started some big rumors in the process. The Maverick made comment that would lead some to believe a WWE Title run could be on the way for him down the line.

Ringside News reached out to ask about Logan Paul’s eventual WWE return. It’s only a mater of time before the YouTuber turned WWE Superstar comes back. It turns out that those plans are already in place.


We were able to confirm that there is a plan for Logan Paul’s return. That being said, the exact event was not confirmed. While SummerSlam in Detroit is a very plausible landing pad for Paul’s next WWE match, we were given an ambiguous “neither confirm nor deny” when asked about the biggest party of the summer.

Logan Paul has a massive fan base, and he could help crossover some fans to WWE. The company is also well aware of how connected he is with other important influencers. That being said, although Logan Paul’s WWE paycheck isn’t as big as he led on, his value is 100% realized within the company.

What’s your take on Logan Paul’s future in WWE? Do you think he has a WWE Title run in his future? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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