Cody Rhodes is perhaps in the best phase of his career, with WWE positioning him to possibly become the flagship star of the company. The American Nightmare has completely rejuvenated himself into the star we know today through his tenure on the independent circuit. Speaking of his past, former WCW star Disco Inferno recently accused Rhodes of spreading false information about him.

Disco Inferno slammed the lack of safety among contemporary wrestlers in 2018 after Kenny Omega gave Cody Rhodes a significant gash above his eye. Furthermore, Rhodes claimed that Disco Inferno got much WCW broadcast time because he had buddies backstage.

Nobody knows how to “work” anymore. They would rather kill each other to get @davemeltzerWON to put their match over. That is a problem that needs to be put front and center. Guys are going to keep getting hurt.

Cody Rhodes fired back, all those years ago, to shut Disco Inferno up. He did a pretty good job of it, and those tweets remained unanswered for years.


Stop. You know nothing. You have drawn 0 dollars. No fan has ever left a show thinking about you. You were lucky to be a juiced up double-lifer “over with the boys” type in an era where you hid in plain sight coasting on others’ success. Couldn’t hang then, can’t get booked now.

I take no pride in ending that man’s career w/a single tweet…but this whole “they’re doing it wrong…I know how to do it right…they’re exposing the business…”

Disco Inferno recently had some words for Cody Rhodes and some of his fans regarding the matter. He addressed all who share Rhodes’ tweets on a regular basis on the K100 podcast.

“They’re posting inaccurate, unfactual information. ‘You’ve drawn zero dollars.’ You can debate that, but the fact that I was one of the highest rated guys on TV during the period when the ratings were the highest, you can conclude that’s ridiculous. ‘No fan has ever left a show thinking about you.’ Completely inaccurate.”

Disco Inferno was not much of a major star during his heyday in WCW. Despite that, he remains highly active to speak on the current topics in the wrestling world, giving his opinion every now and then.

On the other hand, Cody Rhodes recently won the 2023 Royal Rumble match upon his return to WWE from injury. The American Nightmare is set to challenge Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal championship in the main event of WrestleMania 39.

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Tags: Cody Rhodes
Nikunj Walia

Nikunj Walia is a versatile creative professional renowned for his out-of-the-box thinking. With a knack for innovation and adaptability, he excels across diverse niches. From content creation to event hosting, digital expertise, and Indian influencing, Nikunj aims to carve a distinctive identity for himself. His mission? Revolutionizing how wrestling content is consumed, one groundbreaking idea at a time.

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