WWE has a lot of plans to nail down on the road to WrestleMania. Even after the big April extravaganza, WWE already has plans to make another Saudi Arabia trip the next month in May. That being said, the company doesn’t have any plans other than that for Saudi Arabia.

A report is going around that said WWE is planning for “Roman Reigns main eventing the Saudi Arabia show in May. It’s currently unknown what the PPV will be called, but my source tells me he wouldn’t be surprised if it was ‘WrestleMania: Backlash’ in Saudi Arabia.” We have been able to confirm that the company is not thinking that far ahead right now.

A tenured member of the WWE creative team confirmed to Ringside News that “there has not been any discussion as to the talent going to Saudi Arabia yet.” This is true, especially regarding the name of the pay-per-view being “WrestleMania Backlash,” and who will compete at the event.

At this point, there have been “no creative discussion, no discussion with the Saudis as to who will headline, or no forms filled out for visas.” The simple fact is that WWE is not “there yet” regarding those plans.


Ringside News was first to exclusively report in October 2022 that WWE’s next Saudi Arabian event was moved to May. As of this writing, that is still the plan, but it doesn’t mean that WWE has any plans outside of that.

WWE is planning to make a Saudi Arabia return in May for another event, but that is all the information that is confirmed at this time. Keep checking back with Ringside News as we continue monitoring this ongoing situation.

What’s your take on this situation in Saudi Arabia? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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