Alberto Del Rio first debuted in the WWE in 2010. Soon after his debut, Del Rio was pushed as a prominent heel and even won the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships during his tenure with the company. However, after problems backstage, which resulted in him getting terminated from the company, he was on his own once again.

Ever since Triple H took over WWE creative, rumors have been circulating that Del Rio could be one of the guys headed back to the Stanford based company. During a recent interview with Wrestling News, Del Rio put those rumors to rest by saying that he hasn’t been contacted by WWE regarding a return.

“Well, to be honest, I haven’t talked to the new administration. I did when John Laurinaitis was around and we had a couple of phone calls that didn’t go anywhere. Then you know, what is happening, we have a new administration doing fantastic things. As far as I know or what I have read, the numbers when it comes to the ratings and the money are fantastic. Also the way that talent feels backstage and in the ring and everything, it looks like this change has been for the best for the biggest company in the world,” said Alberto Del Rio

During the same interview, Alberto Del Rio credited John Laurinaitis for bringing him to WWE. He apparently still has a soft spot for Johnny Ace.


“I was always one of Johnny’s boys. He was the one that found me. He was the one bringing me to have my try out. I think it was in Oklahoma City, I think. I don’t remember very well. But he was the one bringing me to Stanford, showing me that amazing headquarters, and putting me in a limo for the first time in my life and everything. He was the one creating Alberto Del Rio. I remember those days with him taking me to a restaurant to meet Kevin Dunn and then bringing me to Vince’s office and introducing me to Vince McMahon, and well, the rest is history.”

Following his departure from WWE, Alberto Del Rio would continue to ply his trade in the independent circuit. However, his anger management issues would always get the best of him. Only time will tell if we will ever see Del Rio back in the WWE again. Stay tuned to Ringside News for more coverage of such stories.

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Sunil Joseph

Passionate pro wrestling fan. Sunil has been writing WWE content writing for over the last five years. Sunil still gets excited when he gets to tell people that he gets paid to watch pro wrestling.

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