Vince McMahon retired from WWE after a hush money scandal made it impossible for him to carry on. Triple H took over the company’s creative direction, and that included re-hiring a lot of people his father-in-law previously released. This subject is a matter of contention now.

It was reported by Wrestle Votes that, “a handful of talent brought back in the ‘rehiring wave’ over the summer have underperformed and severely underwhelmed Triple H & others since returning to the company.” We checked around about the legitimacy of this report, and whether Triple H has expressed any disappointment at all.

Ringside News asked about this current narrative surrounding Triple H’s new regime. We are told that this story is not accurate, if anything because Triple H would never put it out there that he was “underwhelmed” if that really was how he felt.

If there was any disappointment, HHH wouldn’t admit it to anyone. Not right now. It would reflect so badly on him. Fake news, again.


Triple H has been around the pro wrestling business for long enough to understand that there will be peaks and valleys. The Holidays are a difficult time to capture anyone’s interest, because there are so many distractions. Some fans might be critical of Triple H’s new direction, but The Game is not admitted to anyone that things could be going better.

What’s your take on this situation with Triple H? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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