Vince McMahon decided to switch up LA Knight’s name when he was called up to the WWE main roster. Now, it seems that Max Dupri is no more.

As we previously reported, Durpri exited his stable, Maximum Male Models, on SmackDown last week. Now, it looks like he’s going through an entire transformation.

According to a report from PW Insider, Max Dupri is now listed as LA Knight on the official roster once again. It seems that Triple H’s transformation of Dupri back into Knight is now complete. has confirmed that, as some of you may have suspected, he will indeed be back as L.A. Knight ASAP.


Internally, he is already back to being listed as such on the company’s internal roster.  So, he’ll be back in his former NXT gimmick going forward.

We are told that The Maximum Male Models group with Mace and Mansoor are currently slated to continue on with Maxine Dupree.

Vince McMahon removed Dupri from the stable just before he retired. Then, Triple H wasted no time in inserting him right back into the mix. Now, it looks like the WWE roster is about to get a taste of LA Knight.

What’s your take on LA Knight on the WWE main roster? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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