Shawn Michaels is certainly one of the best in-ring performers to have ever graced a WWE ring. He was touted as Mr. WrestleMania and he truly lived up to the moniker.

Michaels has always exceeded expectations when it comes to performing in a match. Many say that he was so good inside the ring, that HBK could even have a believable match with a broomstick.

While speaking to San Antonio Express-News, Shawn Michaels talked about NXT’s growth over the past year. He made it clear that he loves how much it has improved.

“It was all very sudden for all of us. I’ve been with the WWE for 35 years and doing live television for almost 30 of them. When it comes to live television it is always a learning process because anything can happen, and a lot of things have happened that we had to adjust to and that is what this was. It was an event where we had to quickly make a lot of changes and get a lot of things accomplished. Getting trained for the fire drill is what working in the WWE is from a live television standpoint.


It was a good opportunity for us to come together as a team and learn and grow together. I will say one of the greatest things I had is the phenomenal team that Hunter had put together previously, and I have a lot of great people around me, Matt Bloom, Johnny Russo and numerous others.

But with everything you learn to do your best and take it in stride and learn from your mistakes and we have done that here was a team and done that with the young talent. I think the thing I am most proud of is that we are starting to be on the other side of that and we are starting to see the hard work paying off and are very excited for what the future holds for NXT and the WWE as a whole.”

Shawn Michaels is more than happy working in NXT right now. We’ll have to wait and see what’s next in store for him.

What’s your take on HBK leading NXT? Sound off in the comments!

Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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