Impact Wrestling’s Against All Odds pay-per-view is going down tonight and Ringside News has got you covered with live results coverage.

The main show will kick off at 8:00 PM and match by match coverage of the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions from the show in the comment below. The card for tonight is as follows:

  • Impact World Championship: Josh Alexander vs. Joe Doering
  • Knockouts World Championship: Jordynne Grace vs. Tasha Steelz
  • Raven’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match: Sami Callihan vs. Moose
  • Impact Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary vs. Tenille Dashwood & Gisele Shaw
  • Impact X-Division Championship: Mike Bailey vs. Trey Miguel
  • 10 Man Tag Match: Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Kenny King, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, and Vincent) vs. The Good Brothers, America’s Most Wanted & Heath
  • Mickie James & Mia Yim vs. Chelsea Green & Deonna Purrazzo
  • The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Chris Bey & Ace Austin

Tom Hannifan welcomes us to the show and we kick off with the Bullet Club. Ace Austin and Chris Bey make their entrance. The Motor City Machine Guns are out next.

The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Chris Bey & Ace Austin

Bey and Shelley start, lock up, Shelley wrings the arm, Bey with a go behind, Shelley with a headlock, then gets an STF, Bey gets to the ropes. Austin tags in, Sabin tags in. Lock up, Sabin with an arm drag, enziguri, cover, 1 count. Sabin with knee strikes, Austin with a drop toe hold into an inside cradle, 2 count. Austin with an armbar, Machine Guns with double team offence.

Sabin with a dropkick, cover, 2 count. Knee to the midsection, cover, 1 count. Shelley tags in, double elbows in the corner, foot stomp, cover, 2 count as Bey breaks the count. Bey with a dropkick to the outside, Shelley with a dropkick of his own. Austin with a dropkick sending Shelley out of the ring. Austin with a running knee on the apron.

Bey with a senton off the top taking out both Guns. Double team offence from Bey and Austin, Austin with a Famouser, cover, 2 count. Austin uses the playing card to cut Shelley’s fingers. Tag to Bey. Bey hypes the crowd for a back rake. Austin tags in, he rolls around the ring… into a back rake. Bey tags in, right hand, snapmare, uppercut to the back.

Austin with a dropkick in the corner, Saito Suplex, Bey takes out Sabin on the outside. Austin with a springboard kick, Bey with a crossbody, cover, 2 count. Shelley gets the tag after miscommunication. Sabin runs wild, double clothesline, Bey accidentally hits a dropkick on Austin, Sabin stacks them up and hits a running dropkick. Sabin with a Fisherman’s Suplex, cover, 2 count.

Bey with boots to both Guns, the Guns with double kicks, they stack up Bey and Austin and hit a Missile Dropkick/Flatliner, cover, 2 count. Combo kicks from the Guns, combo kicks from Bullet Club, cover, 2 count. Bey with an enziguri, Shelley and Sabin hits a Doomsday Device, Sabin hits the CradleShock, cover, Austin breaks the count at 2. Guns with combo offence, double superkicks, double CradleShock, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: The Motor City Machine Guns!

Commentary runs down tonight’s card.

Gia Miller introduces Good Brothers, AMW and Heath. Anderson says can you feel the aura tonight? Gallows says tonight they have a dream team, Heath says Honor No Mor can kiss their ass because we will kick yours. James Storm says AMW have laced them up one more time, AMW came into this business together and they will go out together. Sorry bout your damn luck. Harris says he still has some stuff left, there is nothing he wants more and they find Honor No More guilty.

Video package for the women’s tag match. The lights cut out as Mia Yim makes her entrance with Mickie James, they come out together with a combination of their entrance music. Chelsea Green and Deonna Purrazzo makes their entrance together.

Mickie James & Mia Yim vs. Chelsea Green & Deonna Purrazzo

All four women go face to face before the bell Green and Purrazzo attack when Yim and James are distracted. James and Yim get the upper hand with strikes in the corner. Yim and James with double baseball slides to the outside. The bell finally rings with Yim and Purrazzo in the ring. Yim with a running dropkick, Purrazzo with stomps, Green tags in.

Green with a boot in the corner, Purrazzo tags in, stomps to Yim, short arm clothesline, cover, 2 count. Green tags in, Purrazzo distracts the ref and Green pulls at Yim’s hair. Purrazzo back in, clothesline in the corner, Yim with an elbow, fighting out of the corner, double dropkick. James gets the tag, Thez press, clotheslines all round, neckbreaker to Purrazzo. Green blocks the MickieT, Purrazzo with a kick, Yim with a hurricanrana, Green kicks Yim out of the ring, Purrazzo with a Flatliner, Green with a Curbstomp, cover, 2 count.

Purrazzo with a headlock, Mickie fights out, Purrazzo with a neckbreaker. Purrazzo with stomps, elbow to Yim. Purrazzo with a suplex, cover, 2 count. Green with a boot to James, cover, 2 count. Green with a lariat, then mocks Yim. Purrazzo tags in, stomps, bow and arrow stretch, Purrazzo takes out Yim, James with a boot to Green, sends Purrazzo into the ring post then gets the tag to Yim.

Yim runs wild, clotheslines all round, dropkick to Green, boot in the corner, Tornado DDT, cover, 2 count. James with a Thez Press off the top, Yim with a German, cover, 2 count. James tags in, Purrazzo knocks Yim off the top rope, James with a superkick, Green and Purrazzo hit a double team neckbreaker, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Chelsea Green & Deonna Purrazzo!

Honor No More have apep talk backstage. they say they came with a mission, they will do tonight what they have done to all the others. Edwards says they are bound by circumstance, they trust each other, PCO will not be in the match tonight. Vincent says Impact is trying to tear them apart. Edwards takes Vincent out and puts PCO back in.

Trey Miguel makes his entrance. Speedball Mike Bailey, the X-Division Champion, is out next.

Impact X-Division Championship: Mike Bailey vs. Trey Miguel

Bailey offers a handshake, Miguel refuses and takes advantage, Miguel with a suicide dive to the outside, Miguel attacks the arm, kicks on the ramp, running takedown off the ramp, Bailey hits a dropkick. Bailey with a moonsault to the outside, Miguel with a low dropkick. then stomps to the knee, into a kneebar. Miguel covers, 2 count.

Bailey with kicks to the knee then a Dragonscrew, the ties up the knees and slams to the mat for a leglock. Miguel gets to the ropes. Bailey with a roundhouse kick, superkick, misses a corkscrew, Miguel with combo kicks, foot stomp, German, cover, 2 count. Both men trade kicks, Bailey with a standing moonsault, Miguel gets the knees up. Both men’s knees are injured.

Miguel with a low kick to the knee, Bailey kicks back. Miguel with a kick to the injured knee, Bailey kicks back, they trade low kicks, Bailey catches a kick and hits a Dragonscrew. Miguel hits a Dragonscrew. Miguel with combo strikes, Bailey with a Penalty kick, Bailey with a moonsault knee strike to the back. Miguel catches a kick, into a rollup, 2 count. Miguel with a Brainbuster, goes for a Meteora but misses and crashes onto his injured knees.

Miguel with a diving hurricanrana to the outside and both men crash out of the ring. Both men trade kicks on the apron, Bailey with a leg trip then hits a Ultima Weapon, then hits a roundhouse kick in the corner, misses Ultima Weapon, Miguel with a backslide, 2 count. Miguel hits a Meteora, cover, 2 count. Bailey with a high knee, then hits a Flamingo Driver, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” X-Division Champion, Mike Bailey!

Video package for the Knockouts Tag Title Match. The Influence make their entrance. Taya Valkyrie makes her entrance, followed by Rosemary.

Impact Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary vs. Tenille Dashwood & Gisele Shaw

Valkyrie and Shaw start, Valkyrie with a kick to the midsection, knees, cover, 2 count. Shaw takes out Rosemary, Valkyrie with kicks to the back, Valkyrie with a German, tag to Rosemary. Rosemary with a clothesline, clubbing blows to the head. Shaw rakes the eyes and tags Tenille. Dashwood with forearms, Rosemary with a sidewalk slam.

Valkyrie tags in, Rosemary with a clothesline, Valkyrie with an elbow, cover, 2 count. Shaw pulls the hair, neckbreaker, cover, 2 count. Shaw with clubbing blows, tag to Dashwood. Dashwood with stomps, then chokes Valkyrie in the ropes. Dashwood sends Valkyrie face first into the canvas, cover, 2 count. Dashwood with a neckbreaker in the ropes, cover, 2 count.

Chops back and forth, Shaw with a running uppercut, cover, 2 count. Valkyrie hits a suplex, Both women tag out, Rosemary runs wild with clotheslines, slingblade, diving elbow in the corner, Exploder, cover, 2 count. Rosemary locks in Upside Down, breaks before 5, Shaw drops Rosemary, Tenille with a crossbody in the corner. Shaw takes out Rosemary behind the res back, Dashwood covers, 2 count.

Rosemary with a jawbreaker, tag to Valkyrie, double team slam/facebuster, cover, 2 count as Shaw breaks the count. Rayne trips Valkyrie, Dashwood directs traffic, Shaw is slow and Rosemary takes her out, Valkyrie gets a rollup, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” Knockouts Tag Team Champions, Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary!

The Influence beat down Valkyrie and Rosemary after the match, hitting them with the belts. Aa the Influence leave up the ramp, Masha Slamovich makes her entrance with an envelope, and hands it to Tenille. The Influence look terrified as Slamovich leaves.

Mike Bailey interviewed backstage. Bailey says Miguel fought his heart out and that was the challenge he wanted. He will fight anybody and that starts on Thursday on Impact.

Video package for the 10 Man Tag Match. Honor No More make their entrance. The Good Brothers are out first for the other team, followed by Heath, the finally America’s Most Wanted.

10 Man Tag Match: Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Kenny King, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, and PCO) vs. The Good Brothers, America’s Most Wanted & Heath

Anderson and Edwards start, lock up, Edwards with shoulder tackles in the corner. Edwards with a headlock, shoulder tackle, Anderson sweeps the leg. Forearms back and forth, Gallows tags in, double team takedown from the Good Brothers. Gallows with clubbing blows in the corner, suplex, cover, 2 count. Edwards rakes the eyes, Taven tags in, Gallows with a back body drop, elbow drops, cover, 2 count.

Anderson tags in, kick to the midsection, Heath tags in, kicks in the corner. Heath with a running elbow in the corner, spear in the corner then 10 shots. Taven with a neckbreaker, tag to Bennett, forearm shot, cover, 2 count. Bennett with chops in the corner, hard whip into the opposite corner. King tags in, stomps, right hands, Heath hits a boot, King with a drop toe hold into a Camel Clutch.

Edwards tags in, shot to the midsection, headlock. Heath fights out, Edwards hits a boot, Heath with a powerslam. Storm tags in, right hands, forearm, enziguri, roundhouse kick, neckbreaker. Harris tags in, AMW hit double elbows. Hart Attack to Bennett, they throw Taven into King. Storm tags in, PCO takes out Storm on the outside. Edwards takes out Gallows, Honor No More hold down the ring.

PCO tags in, splash in the corner, kidney shot, Reverse DDT, Taven tags himself in, goes to the top and misses a Frog Splash. Edwards tags in, elbow drop, Storm with a suplex. PCO takes out Harris, Anderson, Gallows and Heath. PCO throws Anderson into Heath then throws him out of the ring. Edwards tags himself in, blocking a PCO dive.

Double clothesline from Edwards and Storm. Honor No More rush the ring and take out everybody. Storm with a Backstabber, tag to Harris. Harris with right hands to everybody., delayed vertical suplex to King, cover, 2 count as Bennett breaks the count. Bennet with a Spinebuster, Anderson with a Spinebuster, King hits a Spinebuster, Harris hits a Spinebuster. Storm tags in, Taven with a springboard kick to Storm. Heath hits the Wake Up call on Taven.

Anderson hits Gun Stun, Gallows hits a Pumphandle Slam, PCO takes out Gallows, Storm with a DDT to PCO. King hits a blockbuster to Storm. PCO with a dive to the outside onto everybody, looks like he hit the apron. AMW grab King and hit he Death Sentence! Storm covers, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: The Good Brothers, Heath & America’s Most Wanted!

Rich Swann interviewed backstage, Swann is disappointed he lost the Digital Media title, but he will make his way back. He is interrupted by Shira, who stares him down. Swann says guess its big game hunting season.

Video package of Raven previewing the Clockwork Orange House of Fun match. Raven makes his entrance through the crowd and joins commentary. Sami Callihan makes his entrance. Moose is out next, he appears in the ring and hits a Spear!

Raven’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match: Sami Callihan vs. Moose

Moose gets a chair and breaks it across Callihan’s back. Moose sets up a table between the ring and the barricade, Callihan blocks a Uranage with elbows, he throws a chair at Moose, Moose hits a Thrust Kick. Moose gets a trash can lid and hits Callihan in the head, then once more, then a third time. Callihan hits a back body drop over the ropes and Moose crashes through the table.

Callihan gets a staple gun, then gets a cage door and sets it up in the corner. Callihan gets a door, sets it up in the opposite corner. “GCW” chants. Callihan with a chop on the outside, then slams Moose face first into the door. Callihan staples Moose in the groin, Moose with a headbutt, Callihan hits the Death Valley Driver through the Cage door.

Callihan hits Moose with a For Sale sign, then gets a trashcan. Moose smashes a bottle over Callihan’s face. Callihan has been busted open, Moose drags the broken glass overs Callihan’s face. Moose gets a chair and sets up the door between two chairs. Moose takes Callihan to the top, Callihan bites Moose, but Moose hits a Sky High off the top rope though the door, cover, 1, 2, kick out.

Both men get halves of the broken door, they hit each other over the head with them. Moose breaks the door over Callihan’s head. Callihan with a huge lariat. Callihan sets up 2 chairs, Moose staples Callihan between the legs. Moose staples Callihan on the forehead, Callihan hits a Powerbomb through the chair. Callihan gets the staple gun, then staples him in the crotch. Callihan licks the bloody staple gun… “You Sick Fuck” chants.

Moose opens a box of fun, as does Callihan, Moose released Legos over the canvas, Callihan releases broken glasses over the other side of the ring. They trade blows, Moose with a Pump Kick, Callihan throws Legos in Moose’s face then hits the Cactus Driver 97 into the Legos, cover, 2 count. Callihan grinds a shard of broken glass across his own forehead then hits the Cactus Driver 97 into the broken glass.

Callihan gets a barbed wire bat, a masked man enters the ring and low blows Callihan. He takes off the mask and reveals himself to be Steve Maclin. Maclin hits Callihan with the barbed wire bat. Moose hits a Spear, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Moose!

Heath is backstage, he says that was not retribution, people will see retribution because he is a pissed off man. He will go after Honor No More one by one until he has the snake by the head then he will cut it off. Honor No More is done.

Video package for the Knockouts title Match. Tasha Steelz makes her entrance. The Knockout’s World Champion, Jordynne Grace, is out next. Dave Penzer does the official ring introductions. Steelz with a chock block to Grace’s knee before the bell.

Knockouts World Championship: Jordynne Grace vs. Tasha Steelz

Steelz continues the attack on the right knee, stomps in the corner. Grace with a boot, a stomp, then she takes out Evans on the outside. Grace with a shoulder block, Spinebuster, cover, 2 count. Grace whips Steelz hard into the corner. Grace with forearms, smashes Steelz into the top turnbuckle, back elbow, Evans trips Grace then smashes her leg into the ring post.

Steelz attacks the injured knee, wrapping it in the ropes the dropping her weight into it. Steelz with a DDT to the leg, cover, 1 count. Steelz drops Grace’s leg in the ropes. Steelz with forearms, kicks to the leg, back elbow, more kicks to the leg, Grace hits a high knee. Strikes back and forth, Grace with a bodyslam, then another powerslam. Grace with combo strikes then gets a Torture Rack Slam, cover, 2 count.

Grace with clubbing blows, throws Steelz into the top turnbuckle, Steelz dodges a double knees, Steelz with a pump kick. Steelz with a Bulldog off the ropes, cover, 2 count. Steelz with a low dropkick to the injured knee, hits a Sliced Bread, cover, 2 count. Steelz gets a Half Crab. Grace powers out and gets a Rear Naked Choke, Steelz escapes.

Grace with strikes, then hits a Muscle Buster! Evans distracts the ref, Grace covers for a visible 3 count. Steelz hits a Cutter, cover, 2 count. Grace with headbutts in the corner, then hits a Stalling Superplex! Grace covers, 2 count. Grace throws Steelz into Evans, then Grace hits the Grace Driver, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” Knockout’s World Champion, Jordynne Grace!

Video package for our main event. Joe Doering makes his entrance with the rest of Violent By Design. The Impact World Champion, Josh Alexander, makes his entrance next and Dave Penzer does the official ring introductions,

Impact World Championship: Josh Alexander vs. Joe Doering

Doering forces Alexander into the corner, big right hand. Doering with a shoulder tackle then dumps Alexander to the outside. Back in the ring, Alexander wrings the arm, Doering with a forearm, Alexander ducks under a crossbody. Alexander hits a crossbody of his own to the outside. Doering comes out of nowhere to hit a lariat.

Back in the ring, Doering with clubbing blows to the back, a kick to the chest, stomps, then an elbow drop, cover, 2 count. Alexander with chops out of the corner, Doering with one big chops sends Alexander down. Doering with a Body Slam, an elbow drop, cover, 2 count. Doering with a headbutt, boots in the corner sends Alexander out of the ring.

Doering with strikes on the outside, Alexander escapes a Body Slam, a kick to the face, elbow strike, Deaner grabs Alexander’s boot as Doering hits a knee then a clothesline. Doering with an elbow drop, cover, 2 count. Doering with a boot to the face, a right hand, a knee drop floors Doering. “Walking Weapon” chants. Alexander with forearms, goes for a German but Doering is too big, Doering rebounds the Alexander hits the German.

Alexander with a Northern Lights Suplex, cover, 2 count. Alexander goes for an Ankle Lock and gets it., Doering rolls out and kicks Alexander out of the ring. They brawl on the apron, trading blows, Doering clotheslines Alexander into the ring. Doering goes to the top, Alexander with a punch, then hits a Superplex! Alexander hits Deaner, a crossbody to the outside.

Alexander goes to the top, Doering catches an Axe Handle then hits an Elbow, cover, 2 count. Doering with a punch, Alexander hits a German, locks the arms, another German, then a third! Doering with a clubbing blows to the back of the head, then hits a Death Valley Driver. Alexander with a lariat, Doering hits a crossbody, cover, 2 count.

Doering with another DVD, then then Chain of Sorrow, cover, 2 count. Alexander escapes a Revolution Bomb and gets the Ankle Lock. Alexander grapevines the leg, Doering stands up to escapes and hits a lariat. Doering covers, 2 count. Alexander with a low dropkick, Doering with a standing lariat, another lariat, Alexander with strikes, Doering with clubbing blows. Alexander with another low dropkick. Alexander hits the C4 Spike, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” Impact World Champion, Josh Alexander!

Josh Alexander celebrates as Against All Odds goes off the air!

Martin Dickinson

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