WWE has brought in a couple main roster Superstars and it seems that trend is not ending. Now Natalya is a part of the company’s developmental show.

Click here for our complete coverage of WWE NXT this week.

Natalya surprise fans during Cora Jade’s promo this week. After the NXT crowd popped big for Nattie and Cora Jade fan girled out, Nattie turned on Jade.

Nattie beat Cora down a bit an latched on the sharpshooter. Then she left Jade laying in the ring as she left. Later on, Natalya had interactions backstage with a couple more members of the women’s division in NXT. It appeared that she put them all on notice.


Following tht backstage segment, Wade Barrett confirmed that Nattie will be sticking around NXT for some time to come. We will have to see how this situations turn out.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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