Dana Brooke won the WWE 24/7 Title and it was big moment for her. This was followed by weeks of skits where Reggie helped her keep that title around her waist. It turns out that Reggie was after something himself.

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During RAW this week, they did some skits at a restaurant with Reggie and Dana. They were teasing a romantic storyline the whole time. Of course, Brooke’s status as 24/7 Champion put a large target on her back and Reggie eventually had to save her again.

Then Dana Brooke turned down Reggie’s romantic advances on Valentine’s Day. After Reggie asked to take their friendship to the next level, Brooke said she just wanted to be friends. It didn’t take him long to say, “friends it is,” before rolling her up for the pin.


After Reggie took off with his 24/7 Title once again, a waiter walked up to Dana Brooke with the check. “Will this be cash or credit?” he asked her. It wasn’t the best night for Dana Brooke.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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