The world is full of opinions and Brian Kendrick certainly has a mind of his own. Some older statements have risen to the surface as he prepares to make his AEW debut.

A 2013 High Spots interview included some hot takes about the Holocaust and the Sandy Hook shooting. We will not repeat them, or even paraphrase what he said, but you can read them below.

The Holocaust is overblown and the Red Cross stated it was only 250,000 Jews who were killed and the number was blown up to justify the creation of Israel. The gas chambers were for delousing and some evidence suggests that the Allies mocked up death camps to expand the lie. The Russians killed ten million Catholics during the same period and they didn’t receive a country for their loss.”

On Sandy Hook:


This was an attempt to further a plan to cause an eventual civil war in America. Robbie Parker was “caught” laughing before being told he was “on” at which point he began to act sad: His daughter was named as a victim and was then photographed 2 days later with Obama: Sandy Hook is suppose to help lead to our guns being removed and eventually those who continue to push back against the government will be sent to FEMA camps.

Brian Kendrick is slated to wrestle Jon Moxley tonight on AEW Dynamite tonight. He was previously with the WWE Performance Center, but requested his release from the company. That release was eventually granted which is how he is debuting for Tony Khan’s company tonight.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

H/T Wrestling News

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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