Jake Roberts revealed that he tested positive for COVID-19. A flood of worried fans came out of the woodwork to express their concern after this announcement was made. Now the WWE Hall of Famer is clarifying that this situation is not Tony Khan’s fault.

Roberts logged back onto Twitter to make it clear that AEW has done everything they can to keep things safe. Roberts hasn’t been to work for AEW in three months. That being said, Roberts is pretty sure that he got the virus from a family member or while he was on a shopping trip.

Yes after not going to do my AEW work for nearly 3 months. Tony Kahn knows I’m high risk and has gone above and beyond all expectations trying to keep everyone safe. Pretty sure I got it from family or when I was out shopping.

We are hoping for the best, because Jake Roberts does have preexisting conditions. He is a fighter and we can only imagine that he is ready to beat this and get back to work as soon as possible.


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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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