WWE Hall Of Famer Kurt Angle is certainly one of the most gifted pro wrestlers to have ever graced the squared circle. During his time in WWE he has made close friends with Superstars, but also was involved in a few backstage fights.

Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle were good friends in real life, but it seems they were engaged in a backstage fight as well. It even ended up with Kurt Angle legitimately choking out Eddie Guerrero in a backstage fight.

While speaking on Talk Is Jericho, Kurt Angle talked about his backstage fight with Eddie Guerrero. The incident was said to have taken place after an in-ring segment on WWE SmackDown, where Angle, Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak attacked Eddie Guerrero.

“What happened was we had a fight in the ring. We are getting heat on Eddie. It was Luther Reigns, Mark Jindrak, and myself. I didn’t touch Eddie, so I couldn’t have been the one that stiffed him,” Angle stated. “Mark Jindrak and Luther Reigns were getting heat on Eddie and when I got backstage, Eddie came back. After the show, we all wait in Gorilla and shake each other’s hands. I went to shake his hand and say, ‘thank you, Eddie.’ He goes, ‘no, no. What you did out there was wrong. You were stiffing me.’ I said, ‘Eddie, I didn’t touch you.’ He said, ‘bullsh*t. You were stiffing me, you were beating me up.’ I pushed him. I didn’t know what to do, he made me so mad so I pushed him.”


“He double legs me, an amateur wrestling double leg. I get him down and got him in a front headlock and I started choking him out. So, Big Show comes in, and this is embarrassing, talk about having little guy syndrome. Big Show grabs me by the back of my singlet, pulls me up and puts me in one corner, takes Eddie, puts Eddie in another corner. He says, ‘you guys are done.’ Now I’m pissed at Big Show, I said, ‘don’t you ever touch me like that again.’ Big Show was so damn strong, he lifted me up with one hand and my legs were kicking.”

“We get backstage and I felt bad. So, I go to Eddie’s locker room to apologize. I get back there and I knock on the door. He opens the door and doesn’t say anything. I said, ‘Eddie, listen. I just want to say I’m sorry.’ You know what Eddie said to me? ‘I’m not ready yet.’ So, I go inside and I started whacking him. I’m fighting Eddie, we are throwing punches. Bradshaw pulled us apart and is like, ‘guys, you’ve got to stop.’ I’m like, ‘well, I said I was sorry and this arsehole doesn’t want to say he’s sorry back.’ But that’s Eddie. Eddie is going to apologize when he wants to and I should have known that.”

Thankfully, the fight was broken up by the Big Show. Angle was fired from WWE last year as part of the COVID-19 budget cuts, but it seems we might be seeing him return to the company eventually.

h/t to Wrestling Inc for the quotes

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Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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