It seems that EC3 pulled an Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind on his own WWE career. Now he can’t remember what went down during his time on the main roster.

EC3 was doomed from the beginning on the main roster. Vince McMahon wanted him to get cheers over Jon Moxley, who was on his way out of the company. Nobody wanted to boo Dean Ambrose, so EC3 got the brunt of that. Sadly, that was the highlight of his time on the main roster.

While speaking to Wrestling’s UnSkripted, EC3 talked about his time in WWE. He actually had great things to say about NXT, because Triple H’s brand booked him as a legit star.

“I think my favorite memory from NXT would be the satisfaction of the ladder match for the North American Championship upon coming to the back. Trips [Triple H] and Shawn [Michaels] were there and they’re just like ‘Wow’. They were super happy and it was a vindication for my long journey back there. What sucked about it is that I started to peak. First thing it was like an awesome moment. That’s something I’ll never forget. I’ll never forget walking the streets of New Orleans drinking whatever, like jungle juice, and the fans were everywhere slapping us on the back. It was just a good night. That match is probably my favorite memory of NXT.”


When it came to his main roster run, his memory is a bit fuzzy, and it might be thanks to some intense therapy.

“With WWE [main roster] I’ve purposely went to my therapist to have it erased from my mind like The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind so I have no recollection of anything that took place in the WWE [Main roster].”

It’s impossible to totally wipe away someone’s memory with just therapy, unless there was more to it like heavy psychedelics or the Men In Black’s neuralyzer. Hopefully, EC3 will rack up a lot more life experiences in the years to come that he will want to remember.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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