AEW Full Gear saw a new World Champion crowned as Hangman Page defeated Kenny Omega to pull down the biggest belt in the company. This week will see Hangman Page hold a special celebration with some Cowboy Sh*t.

Adam Hangman Page sent out a release to let the media and fans alike know that November 17th is now National Cowboy Sh*t Day.

This notice was sent out “FOR RELEASE SOMETIME AFTER BTE GOES UP I GUESS,” and it included quite a bit of information about what fans can expect this week.

  • “Hangman” Adam Page is declaring this Wednesday, November 17, as the first National Cowboy Shit Day*, with celebrations live from his home state of Virginia this week on Dynamite.
  • “Hangman” Adam Page will continue to increase his strength and cardiovascular training, add additional dynamic and static stretching to his routine to limber out his rigid frame, and study the vegan diet in order to prepare for the number one contender Bryan Danielson.
  • As champion, “Hangman” Adam Page will welcome all other challengers as AEW sees fit, but please God don’t make him fight Wardlow and his big muscle tits again.
  • After seeing the unofficial, unauthorized, and most brilliant display of “I don’t give a shit about copyright”, “The Good, The Bad, and The Elite” series on YouTube, “Hangman” Adam Page will use his new leverage as champion to get that guy a job or at the very least a nice letter and fruit basket.
  • With the bonus payment that comes with winning the AEW World Championship, “Hangman” Adam Page will trade in his gas-guzzling truck for an electric vehicle in an effort to reduce planet-warming emissions and encourage others to make the switch when they see how badass it looks with steer horns mounted on the front or whatever.
  • “Hangman” Adam Page would like to send a genuine and heartfelt thank you to the many fans that never gave up on him, even when he gave them every reason to. They’ve helped him accomplish more than he had ever imagined.
  • If you would like to hear more of “Hangman” Adam Page’s thoughts on his recent championship win, “tell them I ain’t doing anymore of those podcasts as long as i live, you think I wanna be on the don and dookie YouTube show or whatever yeah right get a clue, I’m champion now I got so much shit to do I’m already so stressed”.
  • Pending approval from the National Day Archives, which I really doubt is going to happen since their last correspondence simply said “Stop emailing us about this.”

Hangman Page had a quite a night at Full Gear. The celebration will continue this week on AEW Dynamite. AEW has a new world champion and Hangman Page is planning a big celebration for this wek.


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Tags: Adam Page
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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