WWE fans were very surprised to see Von Wagner appear on SmackDown this week. Many cried out that it is too early to call up the NXT 2.0 Superstar. Others were concerned about Kyle O’Reilly, who Wagner is currently paired up with in the company’s developmental brand. Wagner’s role on the blue brand will be classic one, held by many big men for decades.

Ringside News asked around about why Von Wagner appeared on the blue brand this week. It would stand to reason that his time in NXT is over at this point. While it was not 100% confirmed that he is exiting NXT 2.0 entirely, we were told what his new role is on SmackDown.

We were told that Wagner was brought to SmackDown because Adam Pearce needed a bodyguard. Yes, Von Wagner is Adam Pearce’s new bodyguard.

Pearce has skirted closer to the heel authority figure role for a couple of weeks now. Adding a bodyguard to the mix only makes sense and strengthens that heel persona.


It seems that Von Wagner received an official call-up before anyone thought he would, beating others like Bron Breakker to the main roster. We will have to see how this situation pans out in the weeks to come, because Vince McMahon can always decide that he doesn’t like an idea and scrap it before any momentum has a chance to build.

Von Wagner’s real name is Cal Bloom, and he is a second-generation WWE Superstar. His father, Wayne Bloom, wrestled during the late 1980s and into the 1990s.

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Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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