AEW has a diverse locker room full of talent, but some fans might not realize exactly how diverse it is. One hater found out the hard way when they took a shot at The Acclaimed.

One hateful fan tweeted out to say, “The Acclaimed looks like guys who’d never buy their girl’s tampons.” Anthony Bowens had no issue firing back a response at this hater for throwing out that insult, and he only needed two words.

I’m gay

Naturally, that tweet received a lot of attention, because it was a fantastic comeback to such a hateful remark. This hater hasn’t replied as of this writing, but Nyla Rose did respond to ask, “Can you buy me some tampons?”


We keep hoping the people will be nicer on the internet, but it seems that the trend remains toxic on Twitter. It’s a good thing that people like Anthony Bowens can take the time to put a hater in their place every now and then.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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