Nia Jax was released from her WWE contract last week and many fans were surprised by this news. She was largely protected by Vince McMahon, who wanted her to look strong and loved the idea of a monster female on the roster. Then she was cut after asking for more time for a mental health break.

Jax came forward and told her side of the story. She was shell-shocked by her firing and Paige even called for the company to bring her back. There were also several instances in the past where the fact she is The Rock’s cousin and in Vince McMahon’s favor played to her advantage.

Ringside News asked around about Nia Jax’s claim that she was released after asking for more time for a mental health hiatus. A tenured member of the creative team responded that they had no first-hand knowledge of Nia Jax asking for a longer break, but her release was a long time coming.

No idea about Nia Jax needing mental health assistance. Either way, she should have been fired years ago.


We were told that a combination of her work rate, backstage attitude, and “the fact that she’s dangerous in the ring” were all reasons why she should have been future endeavored already. Vince McMahon always liked her and it showed in her booking. She was also in a great spot as 1/2 of the Women’s Tag Team Champions alongside Shayna Baszler during her last run with WWE.

Nia Jax could land somewhere else, but she won’t come cheap. There is always the chance that she could have another WWE run in her if Vince McMahon decides to give her a call. Her WWE performer’s contract was a substantial one to cut from the company’s bottom line as they used budget cuts for their reason to release more talent once again.

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Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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